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Sunday Prayer Service with Laura Massey of Two Feathers Medicine (4/16/23)
What are prayers. They’re a spilling over of your natural love of life your exuberance your recognition that you are more. That you came from love, you are love and you're stepping up to emanate that frequency thru out loud joy of your own spoken word in your own expression. Your Heart point of wisdom/ time traveler
1. Prayer to connect to my brothers and sisters of the great dream time awakening
2. Rainbow Architect Invocation Prayer
3. Journey prayer to sister moon
4. Dreaming Moon Lodge Prayer
5. My Journey to the Stars
Prayer to connect to my brothers and sisters of the great dream time awakening
I sit before Grandfather fire . I take my seat in my heart . I gaze deep into friend fire to cocreate words of heartspaced wisdom to share these words of light. Grandfather fire hisses and glows in spits of rain. The logs from my tree are like red glowing spines across the fire bowl. Steam rises from my pan of sacred prayer water and mingles with the wisps of smoke that the Four Winds quickly gather to show me a clear way. Iask the fire how to outcreate the global narrative :
“ I as this ever present being now make the sovereign choice to create my own narrative for myself that out creates the global narrative incursion into my reality. I say these sacred words built from heartspaced wisdom of lifetime to lifetime knowingness and awareness. I am a sovereign being claiming all of my experiences of this lifetime and all lifetimes that give me my own sacred truth and knowingness. I require no other source other than my own sacred self, for Great Spirit works through me to cocreate with my own truth and beliefs. I do not require a global narrative of half baked truths , lies, misconceptions, misperceptions, misrepresentations. Global narrative your voice and Your services are no longer required for I am in dominion with earth mother for all exchange of akashic record truths . I see through your pretend stance as the holder of all knowledge. My own narrative in cocreation with great spirit is manifested from all lifetimes simultaneously existing of my multidimensional selves and from my inner knowingness which has been honed and whittled and carved out of time and no time to produce my own great poetry of light codes in this prayer
Grandfather fire hears my words manifested from my own heart adding the light of every fire I have cocreated with. I claim my rights of passage to pass on my own narrative that speaks louder to me than the global narrative. I am no longer a being from which the system can harvest energy . I claim my right and legacy to speak my narrative of the 5th world of peace, of peacemaker and peacekeeper. I claim my right and legacy of speech from my heart of prayer song, sharing through my throat chakra my narrative of light codes learnt from my whale pod, I share it through all dimensions timestreams galaxies and universes.
Today is the day i stand in my sovereign power and claim that which I have given away in my unawareness.
Arise sleeping rainbow warriors of the fifth world of peace.The time is now to out vote by your sacred actions from your heart spaced wisdom the choices made in your awareness and unawareness of a system that limits unity choices at every choice point. Come and cast your vote for unity and messages of peace. Shake off those duvets of ignorance , jump out of the bed of lies made for you daily by the global narrative , and don new bright sovereign clothes that have been washed in the laundry of infinite possibilities. Throw out the old rubbish bag of spiritual ignorance with the morning trash. Make your galactic cup of inspirational coffee to get yourself awake to all possibilities manifesting now.
Rainbow Architect Invocation Prayer
I, in the ever present moment of the eight colour of time , in this dna skinsuit of experience, summon all aspects of my self spawned Rainbow self. I recognise I am a Rainbow Warrior. A Rainbow Peacemaker and Peacekeeper. Builder of Rainbow Bridges creating pathways to the Fifth World Of Peace. I know from my wisdom deep within that I take strands of the 8 colours of my experience and weave them into a magical flowing meld of past present and future synchronous frequencies that in and of themselves provide the infinite link of all timestreams dimensions galaxies and universes in which I operate as a stream of light. For I am a never ending self perpetuating recalibrating being coded in light returning distortion to natural frequency. I carry this forward manifested on earth in the form and function of a being on a path of self learning and evolving so new parts of myself may step forward into my self created portals of inspiration and change that outcreate stale old modalities that no longer serve the process of evolution of a being offering contribution in service to light .
Old forms are transmuted or dissolved . Those parts of me no longer relevant to my journey fade away to be absorbed by other supporting streams of light for recalibration and nurturing . Those parts of me that have been dormant waiting for their time and place in no time are rebooted and recharged with the new frequencies.
I present myself over and over again as a constant of change and movement . An ever changing meld and and dance of rainbow light , glowing with a purpose driven out of unconditional love for a universe that provides the space depth and multidimensionality so I may continue to expand on a never ending voyage of igniting rainbow torches marking a passage through the stars. I offer myself to all the colours of time as an experimenting beautiful being of change for growth , willing to learn, to carry the mantle of responsibility to heal past present and future selves . For this is my legacy and my truth. It is also my honour to combine and weave the colours of my past present and future selves as a natural blend of those threads. My ancestors started this by dreaming the first dream that dreamed us into existence and lighting the first torch in their hearts. Over the eons of light on this planet, however many shadows were cast over those flames , however many attempts to extinguish, pollute or distort them, they have continued to burn all their individual colours of experience deep into the light bodies of those ancestors who would step forward in ever new eras of light . For eons these torches burnt slow but steady. Unwavering as the lineages stood their ground retained their honour of carrying forward their flame of the heart. When the ancestors carrying these flames reunited the first rainbow torch was lit, from the many colours and lineages of the ancestors. With the ceremony of the many colours of time . At the reuniting of the ancestors and the lighting of the rainbow torch a new era of light was begun. We step forward as Rainbow Architects to accept these torches in ever new eras of light .
Journey prayer to sister moon
It is a peaceful evening. The moon has risen above my willow tree, sending soft dappled light to play upon my face. I look up at Sister Moon. She’s full and glorious as she walks the clouds. I relax and see myself taking the silver stairs through the night sky. Up and up a moonlit stairway. Each step is a thousand celestial steps. At the tip of the stratosphere I illuminate my golden tube of protection and projection so I can be hurtled to the Sister Moons country garden. Here there’s swinging chairs full of comfy cushions hanging from her willow tree branches. There’s floating crystals and orbs all bathing in the beautiful silver light. A brook babbles happily under the willows and firefly play with the fire elementals in the candle jars hung from the trees. A soft moon wind tugs gently on the willow dream catchers and wooden and silver chimes. Sister Moon comes out of her cottage in her apron to welcome us “It is SO good to see you again.” She smiles warmly “Welcome all of you! Come and eat with me. Come join me and Brother Mars. For I have made a gourmet meal for you all. And we will eat and talk and laugh together. And later we will rest in our swing chairs and share our celestial stories of our great journeys” Sister Moons celestial voice is soft and comforting, loving and caring.
We all gather in Sister Moons massive kitchen. To one side is a huge stove where all sorts of pots and pans are steaming and bubbling away as the lids rattle celestial tunes. Grandmothers Alchemist Kitchen. Above us is hanging an array of pans, spoons and utensils. A huge wooden table made from a whole tree runs down the centre of the room. It is laid with twinkling crystal glasses and all the different cutlery you need for 7 courses. The centre of the long table is filled with pots of wild flowers where bees are gently humming busy on their own celestial journey. Candles flicker between the flowers. There are displays of woven lavender and willow.... and we all smile knowing Sister Moon has been weaving with Mother Earth again.....
“Come sit” Sister Moon beams at us all . “There’s chairs for everyone”
The chairs are carved from the same wood and decorated with crystals. Brother Mars sits one end of the table. His chair is very large and adorned with bloodstones and rubies. Sister Moons seat is covered with moonstones and moldavite.
Sister Moon busies herself at the oven and produces a large tray of canapés. Brother Mars pours us all a bubbling red drink. “Our aperitif” he smiles warmly.
Sister Moon sails in “Ive prepared you all your favourite dishes” she says as we pass round the delicious prawn canapés.”There’s plenty more so eat up all of you”. Sister Moon seems to enjoy having us at her table.
As soon as the tray of canapés is dispatched Sister Moon busies herself dishing up a starter of asparagus with a nut brown butter “A little beurre noisette on your asparagus” she chuckles “ though I think my celestial language is better than my French!” She hands round the plates. We re all hungry after our journeying here. There’s much talk and laughter around the table.
“ now celestial Peacemakers and Peacekeepers come share with me all the loves and losses of your journeys. Share with me your fears, your tears, your pains, your gains, your grief and and any belief that you are any thing other than unconditional love. Share with me your hopes your dreams your great visions. For here you are free and unfettered by others projections”
As we each speak she listens attentively as does Brother Mars. We pause so she can hand round the next course. “And now here is my Celestial Ancestral Balancing Consommé prepared only from the finest ingredients!” Bowls of delicious smelling steaming consommé are passed down the table. “This is the finest consommé I have ever tasted” exclaims Brother Mars “This will give me the much needed balancing energy I need for healing. Thank you my sister” . With that we all continue to share our great celestial thoughts and dreams, our trials and tribulations. Nothing is rushed. All celestial diners are given an opportunity to share. Everyone listens and nods in communal understanding .Even Sister Moon as she brings the fish course “Here’s another of your favourites Brother Mars” she smiles softly and the room fills with silver light. “Poached fillets of Lemon Sole with a Salmon and Prawn Mousseline in an Elderflower Wine and Dill Sauce “ She winks “ a little celestial alcohol I made from the fruits of my tree”
Brother Mars shifts alittle in his chair “ my sister I am quite overwhelmed by your nourishing and loving dishes” and he looks like he’s going to shed a tear. We all smile lovingly at Brother Mars for his journey has been long and arduous. We ask him to tell us his story.
“Long ago I was teleported into this Galactic Ascension Machine so I might balance the war energies of Earth” he begins. “Venus is my twin. Other brother and sister planets gave up large sections of their soul group to enable me to exist here in this solar system as a karma balancer. I’ve have been through great destruction and my surface has taken heavy damage, so I was brought here to heal. I’ve been in a coma for many years. But things are changing and my energies are changing too. And this fine meal of Sister moons is filling me with great healing, so I thank you Sister moon”
As Brother Mars grows alittle weary, Sister Moon gets up and wraps her arms about his great shoulders “ you have done so much Brother Mars and we are all so happy to have you here now with us” We all murmur in heart spaced agreement
We all help Sister Moon clear the empty plates while she produces a huge copper skillet of paella. “I know you will enjoy this main course Brother Mars for its full of seafood which I have a feeling you like!” We all smile. The meal slows to a more leisurely pace . We re beginning to feel full. “Eat up everyone! “ Sister moon beams at us again. “ for I have a magnificent apple pie for pudding followed by cheese and biscuits” .Brother Mars groans lightheartedly “ Sister moon I’m full!!”
“Brother Mars we ll have a little break and drink this fine Blackberry wine. For we have much to share” And we chat happily over our remaining two courses. When we have all helped wash the dishes and tidy up we all sit quietly for a while and ponder. Brother Mars closes his eyes and those next to him hold his great hands lovingly. We all hold hands around the great table
The fire elementals are dancing merrily on top the candles in the soft night air carried by the Four Winds through the open back door. The gentle perfume of lavender and camomile wafts across the table. Through the open windows we can see the great Sky Nation vast and deep and mystical. The infinite Infinite waiting for us to explore and reclaim our heritage as natural born beings to Earth and this universe. Silence steals across the room as we all , in a moment of oneness and interconnectedness, feel the wholeness of who we are, as a collective of beings living as heart spaced awareness, as unconditional love, as joy and happiness, as Dreamers Dreaming the Great Dream of Peace. We each have a prayer we’ve written for Sister Moon and Brother Mars. The prayers are words of thanks , for they have held space for us for millions of years to go through their Dreaming Space of Spaces. We thank them for being our great Celestial Teachers , sharing their wisdom, so we , the Peacemakers and Peacekeepers, at this time of the great Dreamtime Awakening, may learn to reweave the Ancestral energies of the 5th World of Peace. For as Sister Moon weaves the great tides with Mother Earth, we must learn to weave our internal tides to rise and fall with the new energies of change. For this is the time of the Great Separation of Densities and we must remember that we truly are Earths children :the Unvanquished Dream.
It is time to return to our Mother Earth. As we leave Sister Moon reminds us that we may dream ourselves into her dream space so we may have dual existence simultaneously on Earth and the moon. “ give yourself this infinite gift” she smiles. We all hug Brother Mars and Sister Moon. She gives us all a marshmallow for the journey home. “ see you in the Dreamworld!” She says.
Back down through my golden tube I go, back down the silver stairs , back to my willow tree where I sit and dream again the Great Dream of Peace as Sister Moon silently climbs the clouds above me once again .
Dreaming Moon Lodge Prayer
With these words I now Manifest a peacemakers and peacekeepers dreaming lodge of cocreation with emissaries of the fifth world of peace
So all dreaming selves have a place to populate with their precognitive workforce and other light beings seeking unity . Where new dream weaves of peace may be woven and we may end our eternal struggle and resolve the issues of forced evolution and expand the infinite point of view. I offer my light bodies seeking unity this dream lodge to cocreate the expanding consciousness of earth with all light beings who seek self spawned peace
We form a council of elders to hear all words for peace . For these are a council of wisdom keepers that have been lost in the modern society. For we are all global citizens on a path of reclaiming our freedom from karmic debt , seeking true connection and fusion through all aspects of time and space. The Fifth world of Peace is not only possible it is unstoppable . Recognising that with honour comes responsibility and the returning to a deeper wisdom . The elders say these sacred words “The precognitive workforce’s will populate the sacred sites of earth so that other light beings may be guided by these homing beacons to increase the density of light in those places. Time will return to natural universal format as the illusion collapses . Anchor points will be required on earth for incoming streams of light . The peacemakers and peacekeepers lodge will set up a dreamtime council for all beings seeking to return to Earth so all may actualise their potential “
My Journey to the Stars
I am the human
I am the human because I know love. I was born a sacred feminine through the womb of a sacred feminine on this sacred earth. I grew from my heart and I can learn to speak its language. As the foetus in my mother’s womb I have my greatest connection to the divine , and I was born with that spark within, my eternal flame and with the internal fortitude and will to live to drive me forward learning how to create my own bubble of reality . Born through the forgetting of the birth canal but I know I have the means to access my memories in light, so I can learn how to dream my own great dream of peace.
For as a human I was born with all the knowingness within, already having the connection to all that is was and will be.
I have the ability to learn to be the shaman of my own technology and I am human because I can use my heart mind to connect again to the foetus and call forth my ancient future wisdom in order that I may learn, grow,evolve, to love unconditionally. To find the scared neutrality that is my birthright. I am human because I have the rights of passage to discover the resources that carry me through the challenges of life on Earth. I am human. I live love and learn. At times I learn through repetition which brings illumination which I use for self growth , self discovery. I am human because I know I carry the blood of my ancestors, and I feel my heart beat and know it beats for all ancestors. And when I do the work of self healing I heal all ancestors past present and future. I was born with choices and potentials of my own, to carry forward the mantle of responsibility to be the self illuminated master.
A human knows in their heart there is something more beyond the petty distractions of the global narrative and survival living . I am human when I see through the programmes that run us, and I work to eliminate them from my life, so that it’s my heart mind that makes my decisions and gives me my perspectives. I have the skill sets to hack this hologram and fortify my own hologram
As a human I’m unique. I am a catalyst for change . I know I hold infinite potential. Born with the wisdom within me of why I dream this dream. I’m human when music moves me to tears and yet can make me dance. I’m human because I can feel my heart singing. Because I laugh and cry, sing and speak , run and dance, and sleep and dream. I can smell the sweet smell of hay and when rain is coming. I feel the tugging of winds in my hair and the warming of the sun on my skin. I breathe in the sharp freshness of the chill air on a frosty winters day. I can smile. I am the human recognising my heart is full of undiscovered treasures and that I’m here to make the unknown, known. As a human I have choices, the choosing of which creates yet more choice points. I have the choice to use Imagination and vision which opens me up to cocreate with great spirit and great mystery, a beautiful never ending voyage of discovery.
As a human my prayers are prayers of thanks and poems and connections from my heart to my ancestors.
I am the hero
This is when the human evolves enough to make self aware choices to step out of mediocrity. A hero turns acquired knowledge into wisdom by action. I am the hero by becoming awake and aware that I am more than I have heard read or studied and having the courage to develop an unlimited point of view. To create Sacred space and carve out sacred time and to use out loud name it to claim it statements . Even when the whole world seems to be yelling at you that you’re being selfish. I am the hero by committing myself to a path of self discovery and self healing which is not in alignment with the system of mediocrity and distraction. The system that tells you they know best and that without it you’d be struggling. A hero knows that out creating the system will help them reclaim their own sovereignty. A hero steps forward to do their great work regardless of the projections put upon them by those around them , including loved ones , who are still in the hypnosis of obedience and slavery. A hero’s stance is frightening to those who unquestionably conform. A hero can lose friends and family through this fear. I am the hero because I’ve had to fight back tears when my truth is met with scorn and ridicule. Teasing from others is a giveaway of their fear of change. When my sacred neutrality is seen as weakness and my intent questioned as a human my heart can break but as a hero I know with a deep unwavering belief that this is part of the journey I must go through. As I hero I learn to conquer old habit patterns that are working against me , and I stop arguing for my own limitations. A hero is not a martyr. I do not sacrifice my own needs for others. I am a hero by being sovereign and working on my own development and healing, allowing others to do the same if they should choose to take up that mantle of responsibility. A hero does not tread on another’s journey, but commits themselves to their own path. I am a hero because I know it’s not what you think it’s what you believe and I’ve chosen to believe in me. Self trust. Self acknowledgement. Self nurture.
Facing obstacles in the seen and unseen world and taking on as a discipline the spiritual hygiene and sacred practices and ceremonies as a scheduled heart agenda driven need to maintaining an increasing frequency and sovereignty and the setting of sacred boundaries. The path of a hero is not easy. You must own your core self, own your power in a system that wants to take it from you in all kinds of overt and covert ways. I am a hero as I make myself aware to this and have spiritual practices and postures that keep me sovereign. A hero knows the path of truth can be a lonely road, but does not operate as a hermit practitioner, for that serves no purpose for the greater good. A hero has recognised the illusory limitations set up by the self , and has done the work to overcome the worry and fear, recognising that they are the product of a lack of trust in the self. Therefore a hero has learnt self trust.
My daily spoken prayers and meditations have become Prayer Dances of joy with music that makes tears flow.
I am the champion
As a Champion I throw off all shackles in the seen and unseen world . I offer my full service in contribution to the light. I am a champion when as a self illuminated master I can see through the trickery and lies of the system of domination and control, yet I do not confront it. For I know that in that action Im adding more of the same frequency. A champion has learnt to out create the system by sacred living. By revocations, claiming sovereignty, ceremonies,alchemy, and aligning with the frequencies of earth, of the natural way of living. A champion lives in the divine flow and creates sacred ways and moments, and has learnt to live from one sacred moment to the next, as moment to moment sacred living on earth. Living the mystical life daily. In a seamless bonded stream of self healing, self worth , self value and self appreciation and unconditional love. You cannot trigger a champion into retaliation . A champion will open their hearts because they are not afraid, and pour out the endless stream of love that flows through them. Yet they are not fools. Champions have learnt the lessons of life of self protection from energies not coming in equal cocreation to syphon life force. And they are prepared. They have mastered the discipline of spiritual hygiene and know it is a discipline. I am a champion for I have been through the deepest fear of a shamans death, of extreme anxiety, disturbance, loss of life force, hollowness and emptiness before the separation of densities removed old selves there to distort and destroy or work against my I am self. This takes the courage of a champion. I am the champion when I know how to flip the frequencies and engage my precognitive workforce of I am presences so I may be the sole arbiter of my life, outcreating the systems plans for me. As a champion I’m engaging many of the skill sets I’ve learnt as a synthesis of human and hero. Victories are not seen as glorification. Victories are a personal achievement of being a sacred neutral observer and learning from the rights of passage that are milestones to my own personal spiritual path.
The dancing of the prayer dance for a champion is beautiful. It is in divine flow with the heart of a warrior and the mind and body of a sacred feminine , the music carrying me to the depths of my soul in joy.
I am the unvanquished great dreamer of peace
And from my heart spaced knowingness pours the unlimited love for all sentient kind, a deep wisdom that knows the potency of peace. I am unvanquished, unconquerable because I chose sovereignty of the self. I chose self mastery. I chose to be a signature frequency match to peace. I am a peacemaker and peacekeeper. As the great dreamer of peace I recognise that all spiritual paths are to be honoured, for all must follow their own inner guidance and heart. A great dreamer of peace works in the seen and unseen worlds, dreaming into the dreamspace of loved ones, repatriating soul shards and bringing back wholeness , repairing and bonding fractualised dream spaces. I have stood up in dreams as a sovereign potent being carrying my staff bound with feathers and crystals to protect others and myself. I have removed entities from the dreamspaces of myself and loved ones. I am unvanquished. And I know as that great dreamer that we all have the potential to dream the great dream of peace and to create the 5th world of peace by dreaming that dream.
I know that every step I walk as the Unvanquished great dreamer of peace is one that is In synchronicity with Great Spirit. Great spirit works through me and with me. Words flow whether spoken, written or typed. I have remembered who I am and why I dream this dream.
I am the mighty manifestor of the great dream of peace and unity, i honour myself as self illuminated master holding the Great Dream of Peace . I Ride the Celestial Winds of Change with heightened awareness, integrity and intuition, carrying the message of the unvanquished dream of peace. For I am unconquered , a sovereign arbiter of peace.
As the unvanquished great dreamer of peace my luminescence will help awaken my sleeping brothers and sisters of earth, the next generation of peacemakers and peacekeepers. As i show loving lightness and grace and a new way of living on earth i carry the universal message of sovereignty, freedom and peace. I am so free i chose to experience the illusion of non freedom on earth. As the The Unvanquished great Dreamer of peace I pilot a voyage as a great medium of peace sharing knowledge of sovereignty consciousness, maxims of equity. For I had the courage to look within and read the encodings imprinted in my heart since my first birth of all eternal births.
And my Prayer Dance is under the stars , with a heart full of joy, where I call forth spirals of stardust from the ends of my outstretched fingers. And peace fills my soul. For I know I have earned this rights of passage.
i am the dragon
As an Unvanquished Dreamer of the Great Dream of Peace I now to conjure my dragon. I Initiate the force of my dragon with my deep breath and surrender to this zero point energy, the raw spirit and pure grace that is me . As the dragon I feel the the harmony of my body being in touch with the universe . To move me through different dimensions at speed , to raise my awareness , to take me beyond my mind and help me move my energy and shift any stagnation so i may gain greater clarity . I am the Dragon.We are the Ancient ones, the great holders of the Universal truths, our Ancient freedoms, ancient knowingness, our ancestors . When I’m a dragon I harbour with in me the Adventure of spirit. I am a trailblazer into the velvety depth of all time space, of all the galaxies and universes and beyond that which out create even the grandeur of my current perspective . I trust in myself. Riding the synchronised flow of the energies as I create new pathways , weave new dreams and programme realities .I ride the currents and cosmic air flow of the Four Celestial Winds free and untethered, so i may create new dream spaces with the thread of the eight colours of time. I am the seeker of knowledge, the returning voyager of all time space weaving new streams of light , igniting the peacemakers fire with my dragon breath, and lighting the Torches that show the path to the 5th and 6th world of universal peace. Discovering the past present and future. Spreading the message of unity wherever I go. I manifest my own sovereign layer of reality, and know my path will best be served with humility and right action, giving up any illusions of control and deepening the relationship with all that is was and ever will be. As the dragon my sacred heart will be my compass in all frequencies of light, for I am a grand source connected being. When i cocreate with the eight colours of time i become my own elder of this time of earth. I am the Dragon. This is my legacy.
And my Prayer Dance is in divine flow. It lifts my dragon wings . And all I know is love and beauty in all its forms.
Laura Massey
Advancement Guided Body and Soul Journey 1:
Advancement Guided Body and Soul Journey 2:
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