Florida Backyard Fast Privacy 407-777-4807 Florida Bamboo Nursery

1 year ago

Fast Privacy for your Florida Backyard 407-777-4807
If you're looking for fast privacy plants in Florida, the Ocoee Bamboo Farm should be at the top of your list. With our selection of tall, lush bamboo plants, you can create a natural privacy screen in no time.
Bamboo is an excellent option for privacy because it grows quickly and can reach heights of 20-30 feet in just a few years. Plus, bamboo is low-maintenance and drought-tolerant, making it perfect for Florida's hot and humid climate.
At the Ocoee Bamboo Farm, you'll find a variety of bamboo species to choose from, including Golden Hawaiian, Black Bamboo, asian Lemon, Graceful bamboo, Seabreeze, fern leaf, golden Goddess and many more our Bamboo nursery only offers clumping variety, which means the plant won't spread uncontrollably like some other bamboo species.
To ensure your privacy screen grows successfully, it's important to plant bamboo properly. Dig a hole twice as wide as the plant's root ball and make sure the top of the root ball is level with the ground. Water the plant thoroughly and add a layer of mulch to help retain moisture.
With the right care, your bamboo privacy screen will thrive and provide the seclusion you desire. Learn more call or text 407-777-4807 #OcoeeBambooFarm and #FloridaPrivacyPlants #fastptivacy #floridaprivacy #orlandoprivacyplants #orlandobamboonursery #gracefulbamboo #weaverbamboo #textilisgracilis

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