Off the Grid with Thomas Massie

1 year ago

Free the People

Sep 26, 2018 #offthegrid #documentary #thomasmassie
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Off the Grid with Thomas Massie is an intimate look at a congressman’s quest for a self-sustainable life on his farm in eastern Kentucky. “My philosophy is live and let live: You don’t worry about what somebody’s doing in their holler, as long as they don’t worry about what you’re doing in your holler.”

Winner of Anthem Film Festival's highly-coveted Audience Choice Award.

#offthegrid #thomasmassie #documentary

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Free the People’s mission is simple—to make the values of liberty entertaining, accessible, and human. Free the People deliberately explores issues that bridge the partisan divide—topics like criminal justice reform, health care choice, and opposing corporate cronyism. We produce documentary films, video web series, and podcasts that illuminate the people and ideas changing the world for the better. We reach audiences across the political spectrum as a rational but passionate voice for liberty.

Free the People specializes in video production, creative storytelling, and social media engagement. We are building a community of people who believe in the values of freedom, entrepreneurship, individual responsibility, choice, and peaceful cooperation. Free the People finds and tells stories of people affecting positive change in their community through entrepreneurship and innovation. We defend free choice in everything from drug policy, to health care and retirement, to every aspect of the sharing economy. Our values, like "equal treatment under the law" and "innocent until proven guilty," animate fights for criminal justice reform. We tell the stories of people who have lived through the hardships of authoritarianism and collectivism throughout history. We show our viewers that beautiful things can happen when free people come together to make the world a better place.

0:00 Intro
4:18 MIT
13:35 Judge Executive
15:30 Working for me
16:04 Labeling trees
16:46 The Shire
18:42 Electric Wire
19:36 Wood Burning
20:57 Boiler Room
22:06 Dry Wood
22:43 Vertical Limitation
24:08 Cattle
24:44 Farm in Appalachia
26:01 Washington DC
26:28 Government Barriers
28:25 Healthy Food
29:05 Independence
30:40 Mission Statement
31:27 The Hobbits
33:06 My dream

Farm/Food/Garden Reading List
*Carnivore Cookbook Primal Edge
*Codex Alimentarius: End of Health
*Encyclopedia of Country Living
*Everything I Want to Do is Illegal Salatin
*Fast Food Nation The Dark Side
*Folks, This Ain’t Normal Joel Salatin
*Genetic Roulette: Documented Risks
*The Maker’s Diet by Jordan S Rubin
*Nourishing Traditions S Fallon M G Enig
*Nutrition and Physical Degeneration
*The One Straw Revolution
*Seeds of Deception Exposing Industry
*The Vegetarian Myth Food, Justice
*Whole Soy Story Dark Side America's
*The World According to Monsanto
*You Are What You Eat by Brett Pike

Government/Politics/Public Policy
*Between Two Ages: America’s Role
*The Bilderberg Group: Facts & Fiction
*Communist Manifesto Marx Engels
*Crimes Cover-Ups in American Politics
*Death by Government: Genocide Mass
*Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates
*En Route to Global Occupation
*Government Biggest Scam in History
*Grand Chessboard American Primacy
*Gulag Archipelago A Solzhenitsyn
*Invisible Government by Dan Smoot
*The Law by Frederic Bastiat
*Most Dangerous Superstition L Rose
*Naked Communist W Cleon Skousen
*New World Order by H G Wells
*No Treason Constitution No Authority
*The Open Conspiracy by H G Wells
*Politics Obedience Étienne de La Boétie
*Shadow Masters by Daniel Estulin
*Shadows Power Foreign Relations
*Soldiers Reason Rand Corporation
*Technocracy Rising Trojan Horse
*Technocracy: Hard Road World Order
*Trilaterals over Washington Volumes
*True Story Bilderberg Group D Estulin
*Weapons Mass Migration K M Greenhill

Center for Food Safety

Cornucopia Institute

Environmental Working Group

Food & Water Watch


Institute for Responsible Technology

Non-GMO Project

Organic Consumers Association

Weston A Price Foundation

Farm/Food/Garden Odysee Playlist

Farm/Food/Garden Rumble Playlist

Farm/Food/Garden YouTube Playlist

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