Muhammad Ali: FEAR! Are you Fucking Scared? Fucking Smile and be Happy Your Morons! [15.04.2023]

1 year ago

Note: It is All in the Mind!
When I'm outside in the streets here in Copenhagen People are Fucking Scared about Anything...
And if I start talking and asking questions about 'viruses', why the hell do they keep distance, use masks and alcohol on their hands, why do they still have these monkey plasitk screens up in front of the checkout device when ALL restrictions are removed, when 'viruses' don't Fucking exist, most people become Fucking SCARED and you can see it on their faces.
Fucking Brainwashed Pussy's 99,99% of peole are here...
This is the world I live in.. And thats is also why I say and write that I never believe that people are gonna 'wake up'...

Muhammad Ali vs George Foreman - Highlights (RUMBLE in the Jungle)
Jeff Jackson
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8,290,911 views Dec 23, 2012

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