Tyrant Whitmer Once More, Trans Activist Taken Down, Further SCOTUS, and Washington Tyr-Tranny

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Governor Whitmer vows, and abides by being an authoritarian miscreant of her State forcing undue regulations of the law abiding citizens of Michigan, Kyla Denker, what is going on with that story? Fired for a TikTok? Maybe so! New York Times has something to say about not just Clearance Thomas, and Washington State, will not tolerate parental rights ever.

Welcome to the show, I'm a layman that works through legal documents, statutes, and constitutions in writing to understand the law, or try to. My name is Jacob Davidson, and I live in the northern Texas area. I'm happy for you to join me tonight for whatever I have in mind. Remember to follow me on. If you wish to support me I'd highly recommend going to Locals, I won't open a patreon.

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