Abraham Hicks, Esther Hicks " The law of attraction, the most powerful law in the universe"

1 year ago

Welcome to another recording! This audio was recorded on 2005 and is part of the
"Ask and it is given book & audio book". In this segment Jerry Hicks narrates. [ For those of you who do not know Jerry Hicks is Esther's Hicks dearly non-departed husband] In this segment Abraham explains with Jerry's help "the law of attraction, the most powerful law in the universe" what it is, what it means for your life? The law of attraction is. Just like gravity it is! So now that we have established that what do we do? And how can we use it to our advantage? The easiest way to get results [ I mean emotional results at first] in my opinion is doing a list of positive aspects. For example you own a home, start by appreciating every room, and every floor type that you have, followed by the lovely walls, roof, kitchen, bedrooms, storage space, pantry...etc we can go on really the backyard. Remember what we mean to accomplish is a feeling we can get in 10 minutes or less. You may say why Liz? And I say because from those wonderful good feelings everything else comes behind it. Granted you have to sustain the good feeling, meaning you can't do it just once, and zap you are an emotional master, lol. No... you have to practice it sustain it, and watch what happens. I use this practice, and it will move you emotionally up the emotional scale, however only practice it if you feel good. Another amazing tool is mediating 15 minutes every day. Go to quiet place where you will not be disturbed. this practice has changed my life. I am more sensitive to my guidance system because of this practice, I can feel my guidance. Much like we are alerted when we are hungry our bodies tell us. Well our bodies also tell us to calm down, take nap, or listen to a piece of music that will relax you and take your mind off the given subject. Why ? So that we can release resistance and come into alignment with what we really want, and who we really are. urther details on this recording and so much more, please visit www.abraham-hicks.com. And if you are enjoying this content please like my video, and subscribe to my channel so that I can continue to bring you this life changing material! Thank you so much for your support, I truly treasure each and every one who tunes in to these videos! #manifesting #abrahamhicks #estherhicks #manifestation #vortex #selfcare #selfhealing #selflove #lawofattraction #alignment #basking #broadcaster #innerbeing #innerguidance #thewobblefreezone #divineguidance #divine #divinetiming #selfimprovement #selfhelp #universe

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