The U.S. must root out the CCP in its government institutions, on Wall Street, and in Silicon Valley

1 year ago

04/13/2023 Nicole on the Matt Locke Show: The Chinese Communist Party is forming a new axis of evil, and it is the cause of all global disasters. The U.S. must root out the CCP in its government institutions, on Wall Street, and in Silicon Valley before it gains the moral authority or leadership to help other countries defend their freedom and resist the CCP.
#FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang
Matt Locke Show podcast:

04/13/2023 妮可参加Matt Locke Show:中共正在组建新的邪恶轴心,中共是全球所有灾难的根源。美国首先在自己的政府机构、在华尔街和硅谷根除中共,才能获得道德权威或领导力来帮助其它国家捍卫自由,反抗中共。
#释放郭文贵 #释放王雁平

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