Absolutely BROKEN! | one of the best | Eternal Evolution

1 year ago

#eternalevolutionidlerpg #eternalevolution #idlerpg #idlerpggame
Download Link: https://eternalevolution-new.onelink....
TrelaSkillz Discord: https://discord.gg/jJ9fHfJe

Miranda is top tier Support damage booster / shield / healer in the game. She has an amazing EX30 and is game changing. I believe this will open up a new meta of comps out there including assassins! Eternal Evolution does it again! A lot of people got on the disappointed wagon before players had a chance to test her extensively. I have so many other things to discuss about this hero but I couldn't want any longer and wanted people to see this NOW!

She is a must have hero and works great with Masrani! Take a look at the combinations you can do with her!

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