Asbesdeth: Semordnilap (2020)

1 year ago

Mister INsanity: This video was made in memory of my dog Sully. He was on the cover I had for this album and unfortutely I never got to finish recording all the songs for the album. However the songs I wasn't able to record I was able to capture live on video so enjoy the show!


1. You wanna hang
2. Dying is always an option
3. A dish served best hot
4. Luxury of having a house in the woods
5 Eye time
6. It's not me it's you
7. I wish I wasn't such a fuck up
8. The conscious speaker
9. Face of fear
10. CorpseGrinder
11. Suicide pact
12. What it's like to be a heretic
13. Mental healthcare
14. Rest in Chaos
15. Beheaded by a shovel
16. Torture
17. HammerSmashesSkull

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