Climate change - let's talk Carbon, why it matters, but why it isn't the full picture.

3 years ago

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For anyone that didn't know, we were published by Geoff Lawton on a similar topic:

If anyone wants to read an article, you can check that out. It was originally written as a reply in a comment to someone, and I thought I could port it over and make it an article. It has a bit of a different slant to the writing style - which I would probably re-do, but at least it has my general position on this topic... that carbon is great to sequester (it builds soil), but that if humanity's approach is to just sequester carbon and ignore the root cause of the problem - which is humanity treading all over nature, then we won't actually accomplish anything.

The house of cards is falling, and the carbon approach - while important, is only caring about the spades falling, while we let the rest of the deck crumble.

The approach has to be wide-spread restoration of wildlife, habitat, forests, combined with a restructuring of political systems which promote corporate funded destruction of our world for profit and short term thinking to get re-elected, combined with a systematic overhaul of what we call "normal" in our daily lives, and combined with the creation of the infrastructure we need (using the last carbon we have) in order to progress through our 3rd industrial revolution. (See Jeremy Rifkin on what the 3rd industrial revolution is


Today we talk about climate change, and the impact of Carbon on climate change. We also introduce our first ever sponsorship, who I'm extremely excited to be working with. We'll talk about why carbon is important, but also why it's not the only thing we need to care about. We'll explain some of the common trappings that lead to misconceptions about the importance (or lack thereof) of carbon in climate change. We'll talk about how restoring our ecosystems, and projects that is tackling will directly help reverse the damage we've done, and lead us on a regenerative future.

Most importantly, please have an open mind when watching this video, and please be kind to others. Our legacy isn't only what we do, it's how we act and treat people. Let your legacy be love and kindness, but also action and fighting for what matters. Let's restore our planet, and leave the world a better place for the generations who follow us. If you can't help directly, then I've got good news for you! Our first ever sponsor is exactly what you are looking for.

Peace and love friends,
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Moving to the country to start a new life. Young Family trades sodgrass for a horse farm over at Barn Boots and Country Roots:

For great recipes, cooking, storing, canning, and growing tips, check out Gardening in the North:

Music credits:

Epidemic sound:

Closer by Jay Someday |
Music promoted by
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License

This video was sponsored by Wren

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