Work Hard play Hard Give Hard.

1 year ago

the average person will work 8Hours per day MAYBE from time to time put in 9-10 hours if their boss forces them to work the weekend, nah not me i make the choice to push 11-16 hours 7 DAYS PER week 365 Days PER YEAR! LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Hard workers visit my website often. Nothing is impossible when you #1 stop having idle hands and Trust Yeshua , We work harder than before we give more than ever before We will not be stopped there is greatness waiting for us. the higher we climb the more we can give. last year we gave away over 18,000$ in money, and services and Free stuff! im aiming to Do even better this year! god willing! people dont understand i buy products and give away most of the product to bless my neighborhood just watch what christ will do through us because he knows our heart and souls! p.s this money my wife has been saving for over 5 years lol Shes a Big saver im shocked it didnt turn moldy yet! haha :D

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