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Episode 1124: Catholics are of Christ and not Abraham
Facing Muslim Blasphemies Pope Asks for More Hospitality
Margaret C. Galitzin
Pope Francis made a universal plea for showing goodwill and hospitality to all the Muslim refugees. At a conference on August 13-14 in the Diocese of Ugento in southern Italy called "Mediterranean: A Sea of Bridges," Francis sent a message that the event would “enkindle a renewed commitment to promoting a culture of hospitality and solidarity and, thus, promote peace and fraternity among peoples.”
The Muslim migrants, that flooded into Italy and all of Europe, provide an "opportunity" for establishing "dialogue among cultures," Pope Francis affirmed.
I wonder whether Francis is completely oblivious to reality or a conscious traitor. Does he not follow the news and see the crimes and terror his “dear and pacific” Muslims are perpetrating in Europe – robbings, beatings, rapes? More than this, is he really uninformed about the blasphemies committed and the hatred spewed against the Catholic Religion by so many of his beloved Muslims? How can he not see? And if he sees, why is he silent in face of crimes that cry to Heaven for vengeance and reparation?
Consider how ludicrous Francis' statement is in light of a recent statement by an ISIS chapter, who joined the growing chorus of threats against the West after the June 12 Orlando attack. In a video made in Afghanistan, an English speaking jihadist with a covered face, pictured above, tells his fellow Muslims to "try your level best to destroy all kuffar [disbelievers, that is to say, us]. By any means, slaughter them, hit them by your car, give them poison, stab them with a knife, punch them or, at least, spit on them."
Is this the dialogue among cultures the Pope is promoting? What kind of dialogue is this in which one party smiles and the other spits in its face?
Spitting on Catholics
One wonders where Francis was when Muslims spit on Catholics in Rome some time ago and screamed at them, "Death to the Pope!" A group of conservative young Catholic men were demonstrating against the Muslim invasion when they were assailed by both Muslims and the Italian police.
Muslim rally in Rome
Muslims demonstrators in Rome, above, protected by the police while Catholics were dispersed...
The Muslims, holding signs that said "A good Christian is a beheaded Christian," began to provoke and taunt the Catholics, spitting at them and calling for their death. When the police arrived, it was not the Catholics making a peaceful rally who were protected, but rather the Muslims.
The police forced the Catholics out, calling out "Disperse!" When the Catholics left, the Muslims continued their anti-Catholic rally. This is the "dialogue" Francis-style: The streets of Rome were opened to the Muslims' vile diatribe against Catholics.
Unfortunately, for this kind of display, Francis simply has a blind eye, forgetting that the offense here is an affront to Our Lord Jesus Christ and his papacy that should represent Him.
Increasing attacks
The attacks by those receiving hospitality on the very ones offering it are increasing daily. In June, two young Muslim men, obviously enjoying the fruits of Western life dressed in Western clothing and riding a motorbike, spotted a Dutch female reporter on the streets of Rotterdam during a live broadcast. She was interviewing local politicians about the pro-Muslim invasion position of the city's mayor, Ahmed Aboutaleb, who at the time was staging a photo-op with "refugees" given shelter at Erasmus University.
dutch reporter
Two laughing youth spit on a reporter and make obscene gestures
The two youth rode by the reporter, spat on her openly, and made an obscene gesture at her as they laughed and sped away. No reprisals for the hoodlums, by the way.
This year a Muslim migrant spat on a mother and her children in a subway in Sweden after she tried to prevent him from stealing a handbag of an elderly woman. His supposed “punishment:” deportation to Denmark….
These are not isolated incidents. We are seeing such atrocities in the U.S. For example, a Saudi woman spat in the face of a Walmart customer who told her she was going in the wrong door. The Muslim woman justified her action by claiming that she was being "pushed around by whites" and that "a higher authority" told her to do it. Several weeks earlier she had spat at one of her professors at Florida Institute of Technology, where she is a guest student.
It should be noted that it is custom for Muslims to spit on infidels and women who do not cover their heads in public. Following Francis' guidelines, perhaps we are supposed to respect the “culture and traditions” of these refugees…
Shameful position of the Bishops
It is not enough that across Europe and America Catholic Prelates are allowing representatives of Islam to freely share their pulpits in the name of dialogue. Other Muslims show their gratitude for Western hospitality by entering these churches to spit on crucifixes, smash statues and, then, pray to Allah, with the aim of blaspheming Christ.
france desecration of church
Altar destroyed, statues broken, hosts desecrated....
For example, a young Muslim guest in Thonon-les-Bains, France, entered the Church of Saint-Hippolyte and the adjacent Basilica of St. Francis de Sales on August 5, 2015, and proceeded to overturn two altars, destroy statues, twist a bronze cross, tear down a tabernacle and trample on the Hosts. The parish priest confirmed it was a Muslim who did the act, but, following the Francis guidelines, he did not dare to suggest any religious motivation for the horrendous profanation.
Even when Muslim attackers slit the throat of the 85-year-old Fr. Jacdques Hamel in Northern France on July 26, 2016, in an act of jihad, the Pope only complained about another act of "absurd violence," expressing sorrow for this and "every form of hatred." Not a word of condemnation for Islamic terrorism, which everyone knows is the root problem of this crime and so many others.
In addition to the countless incidents of Muslim persecution of Catholics in Islamic countries of the Middle East and Africa, reported regularly by the Gatestone Institute, their records also recount a growing roster of horrendous crimes by Muslims in Europe, the US and the UK.
statue in Massachusettes
No response from the Church authorities ....
In the US, for example, recently statues were vandalized in a Catholic church in Massachusetts, the head and hands severed from an image of the Virgin Mary. Similar acts of vandalism are being made in the countries where Muslim migrants have been offered refuge.
Rather than respond with indignation to these offenses, the Bishops, following the mandate of Francis, favor importing hundreds of thousands more Muslims in the US and Europe.
It is insanity, a mania that feeds the self-destruction of the West. I say self-destruction because it is the naïve West that opens its doors and borders and offers hospitality to the Muslims who boast about the religious war they are waging, while the Catholic Pontiff and the progressivist establishment insist that, under no conditions, is this a religious war….
Are these religious authorities not traitors?
With the events we are watching unfold in Europe, and most all of the Middle East, and the constant attacks on peoples of many other nations, including the United States, there is much concern and discussion in our country and, indeed, all over the world about the war being waged by "Muslim radicals" on behalf of their Religion of Islam. This is a war against all people who are not of, or do not support, the Muslim faith and their Sharia Law. Make no mistake about it, we are under attack by Muslims.
Manifestation pro ISIS in Tripoli
Above, a pro-ISIS demonstration in Tripoli, Libya; below, a massacre by ISIS in Palmyra, Syria
Massacre in Palmyra by ISISIf anyone speaks of Muslims waging this war without saying "Islamic Radicals," they are chastised rather harshly for not being politically correct in their failure to use the term "Radical" with Islamic. Have you ever wondered why the so-called moderate Muslims who may not embrace terrorism do not speak up in outrage against what is being waged in the name of their religion, Islam, and put a stop to it?
I submit to you this answer: It is because they are not the devout Muslims. Those who are waging this war of murder and other atrocities are the devout Muslims who are true to their faith and the teachings of their 'Holy' Koran. They are indeed radical because the Religion of Islam is a Radical Religion. Islamic Radicals and the Religion of Islam are one and the same. Moderate Muslim only means you are not a true and devout Muslim, guided by the teachings and commands of your Holy Book, the Koran.
I challenge the claim that the Islamic religion is a religion of peace. Their definition of "religion of peace" is only the end result of winning the war they are waging, when all of mankind will be under the Islamic Religion and their Sharia Law, by means of either conversion or death. The true and devout Muslims believe that when every person on earth who is not a follower of Islam has been either converted or killed, the world will be at peace, thus their "religion of peace."
I state without reservation that all Muslims who are dedicated to their 'faith' and the teachings of their Koran have the total destruction of all nations with secular constitutional forms of government, such as the United States, and the implementation of Sharia Law within those nations as their goal. Yes, I am speaking of it as a religion. It is the goal of the Muslim religion of Islam!!
No difference between modertae and radical IslamIt is not only a religion but a form of government with its own laws called Sharia, which is a very evil thing in itself. It is the only religion in the world which has an overriding goal to control and dominate all human beings on earth, unlike Christianity, Judaism and the other Eastern Religions. There is no other religion on earth that seeks the level of power and authority over every person on this planet as does Islam as a religion, and through deadly force if that is what it takes.
If we are to survive by winning this war, it is an absolute necessity that we must recognize this most powerful and fundamental difference between the Muslim religion of Islam and the other religions of the civilized world. Ladies and gentlemen, we are at war. It is World War III. When our nation is at war, who is, constitutionally, the Supreme Commander of our efforts to defeat our attackers? It is our president.
No other American President has ever been so partial to Muslims and their Islamic Religion as President Barack Obama. He will not refer to our attackers as who and what they really are. He just cannot bring himself to say the words, Islamic terrorism – nothing as to their real identity. What does this say about our chances of survival in the United States when our Commander in Chief refuses to publicly recognize who we are fighting? Every world leader of good standing has now declared that they are against the actions of Islamic terrorists, except one, President Obama of the United States.
The events we are watching unfold in Europe and the Middle East, the beheadings of Americans by the Islamic State and other such murders and mayhem, without our President becoming engaged by recognizing the enemy, are arousing concerns by many over whether President Obama might in fact be a Muslim. I do know, by thorough research, there is an Islamic doctrine known as "taqiyya" that permits Muslims to deny they are Muslim should it be dangerous not to, or to knowingly deceive infidels (anyone who is not a Muslim). Ask yourself, do you believe Barack Obama is capable of lying, of being deceitful to achieve an end?
Malik Obama shows his half brother Barack in Muslim garb
Malik Obama in Kenya, shows a photo of his half brother Barack Obama in Muslim garb
No, I cannot prove that Barack Obama is a Muslim. However, he has never made a secret of the fact that both his father and stepfather were Muslims. It is well documented that when he lived in Indonesia he attended a Muslim madras until he was 10 years of age, a school devoted to the Muslim faith of Islam.
Many of us have seen his interview with George Stephanopoulus, when Obama said "John McCain has not talked about my Muslim faith," and Stephanopoulus was quick to suggest to Obama that he meant to say his "Christian faith"? Obama quickly responded, "Yes, my Christian faith." Can you imagine any Christian you know under any circumstances accidentally calling himself a Muslim?
Again, no, I cannot prove Obama to be a Muslim. He has publicly referred to the Muslim call to prayer as "one of the prettiest sounds on earth at sunset." Also, publicly he has recited its opening lines with a perfect Arabic accent saying "Allah is supreme... I witness that there is no God but Allah." Is Barack Obama a Muslim? I think in his heart of hearts, he is. What do you think? Judge for yourself.
What we are witnessing today in France, other countries of Europe, Australia, Iraq, and Syria will spread into the United States. We absolutely must stop thinking, "That can't happen here." I assure you if we don't enlighten ourselves and put an end to the political correctness out of fear of offending someone, it can and surely WILL happen here. The issue has now become front and center in our current presidential race. We must be very careful and deliberate in our decision. After all, it is up to us.
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