Magical Practices in the Herbal Way

1 year ago
The Green level of Witchcraft uses herbs in many different practices pertaining to the Craft.

Herbs alone can be used for health, comfort, treatments of ailments, and divinations.

They can be added to spells in charms, candle magic, oils, and incenses, and are used in bulk for sprinklings, aspersions, and magic packets.

Infused herbal oils, they can be used for consecrations, anointings, blessings, altars, and cleansings.

These uses are not exclusive to Green Witchcraft, but this is where their uses began, and they’ve been adapted to many other types of practice.

Herbal Baths
Herbs may be used in bathing as a Green element of the Craft.

Light a candle, burn incense and let the scented waters work their magic into you.

For Peace: chamomile, lavender, rose, hops, peppermint

For Energy: heather, rosemary, lemon balm, savory

For Comforting: calendula (marigold), lavender, raspberry leaves, chamomile,
mint, rosemary

For Relaxation: chamomile, heather, lemon balm, dianthus, jasmine flower

Herbal Oils
Herbal oils are an essential part of the Green practice, used to consecrate a new magical tool, aid in the empowerment of objects used for a spell, or to help open up the practitioner to alternate states of awareness.

These oils are applied with a fingertip of the power hand, in a symbol that speaks to you: pentagram, solar cross, spiral, triquetra, etc.

Different oils will be called for in different rituals, and each does a different job.

The following oil examples are made by adding the ground herb (may use mortar/pestle or electric herb grinder) to a base of spring water, or an oil like sunflower or safflower, along with drops of essential oils).

Altar Oil

Used to prepare the altar for ritual may be sprinkled with a sprig appropriate for the season.

Mix with mortar/pestle: a half tablespoon of rue, a half tablespoon thyme, a half tablespoon vervain.

Add 3 drops of oil of citronella, 1 drop of oil of fir, 1 drop of oil of rue, and 2 drops
of sandalwood.

Gently swirl with: a quarter cup of spring or distilled water.

You may asperse the altar with this oil using a white heather sprig.

Anointing Oil

For anointing those within the circle during spellwork Mix with mortar/pestle: 1-star anise, a quarter tablespoon basil, a quarter tablespoon hyssop, a half tablespoon rosemary.

Add: 3 drops oil of acacia, 2 drops oil of balsam of Peru, 1 drop oil of benzoin, 2 drops oil of rose.

Gently swirl with: ¼ c sunflower or safflower oil.

Astral Projection Oil​

To aid in astral projection travels Mix with mortar/pestle: one tablespoon of jasmine, one tablespoon of cinquefoil, two tablespoons of mugwort, one tablespoon of woodruff

Add: 2 drops oil of acacia, 4 drops oil of benzoin, 3 drops oil of rue, and 1 drop of oil of sandalwood.

Gently swirl with: ¼ c sunflower or safflower oil.

Apply to temples, forehead, throat, the pulse at wrists and inner elbows, back of knees, ankles, and soles of feet.

You can also burn incense of jasmine, sandalwood, or benzoin

Blessing Oil​

May be used for rites of passage (presentations, namings, handfastings, and passings)

Mix with mortar/pestle: one tablespoon of lavender, a half tablespoon of rosemary, and one tablespoon of St. John’s Wort.

Add: 2 drops oil of juniper berry, 2 drops oil of rose, 3 drops vetivert.

Gently swirl with: a quarter cup of sunflower or safflower oil.

Cleansing Oil​

Used to revitalize and refresh an area, purging it of negativity that may have built up (particularly useful if there’s been an unwelcome visitor or

Mix with mortar/pestle: one tablespoon of basil, two tablespoons of rosemary, one tablespoon of valerian, and one tablespoon of mugwort.

Add: 2 drops of balsam of Peru, 2 drops oil of benzoin, 1 drop oil of fir, 2 drops oil of lavender, 4 drops oil of rue.

Gently swirl with ¼ c sunflower or safflower oil, or spring water if using for appeasement over a room or furniture.

Consecration Oil​

Used to consecrate a new tool for your practice.

Mix with mortar/pestle: one tablespoon of fennel, one tablespoon of Tansey, one tablespoon of rue, one tablespoon of wormwood, a half tablespoon of yarrow

Add: 2 drops oil of fir, 3 drops oil of rue, 2 drops oil of sandalwood.

Gently swirl with: a quarter cup of sunflower or safflower oil.

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