Gluten-free pizza roll-ups

1 year ago

🍕 Some potential benefits of gluten-free pizza roll-ups:

1. Gluten-free: Those who have celiac disease or gluten sensitivity can benefit from gluten-free pizza roll-ups, as it is free of gluten found in wheat, barley, and rye.

2. Low in carbohydrates: Using gluten-free pizza crust made from tapioca or almond flour can lower the carbohydrate content compared to traditional pizza crusts, making it a better option for those watching their carb intake.

3. Packed with protein: The mozzarella cheese and pepperoni provide a good source of protein, which is essential for building and repairing muscles and tissues.

4. Contains healthy fats: Almond flour-based crust contains healthy fats, which can help improve cholesterol levels and support overall health.

5. Easy to customize: Pizza roll-ups are easy to customize with your favorite pizza toppings, making it a versatile and delicious meal option.

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