Destroy the Enemy [ FUTURE PROVEs PAST ] RED PILL Cold War Reality's

1 year ago

Denazification RED PILL Cold War Realitys United States Army vs Russia. CCCP USSR Army Hand To Hand Combat Fighting “Destroy the Enemy in Hand-to-Hand Combat” Soviet martial art's.
( Register for UN NATO Ukrainian Nazify ANTIFA KKK ISIS Selective Service (the draft). The Selective Service program sets up a fair way to register eligible men for military service. Serv The Narrative Biden Zelensky 2024 )
U.S. Army has a recruitment problem. In 2022, the service missed recruitment goals by 25% — the only armed service to do so. Now, the Army is bringing back a marketing campaign from the '80s and '90s in the hope that the rebranding can help bridge the gap.

Molchat Doma - Kletka / Молчат Дома - Клетка

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