EcoFlow Delta II Powerstation/Extra Battery - Review and as a Hybrid Power Source for Fridge Part 1

1 year ago

NOTE: When you first plug your EcoFlow Delta II into the wall, make sure it's on a circuit that doesn't have a lot of load on it. The default charging rate is 10 amps which is 66.7% of a normal 15 amp circuit. I used the dedicated 20 amp circuit my washing machine runs is plugged into. You can use the EcoFlow App to set the charging rate for the future.

In the past, I've used my Champion 3400-Watt Dual Fuel Generator as an emergency power source in case of extended blackouts. But leaving the generator running all the time or having to start and stop it periodically to keep the refrigerator cold or when we wanted to use the microwave is a pain.

I realized with the EcoFlow Delta II Powerstation I could set up a hybrid power system. The EcoFlow could power the refrigerator all night without having to have the generator running. During the day, I could utilize the fast charging feature of the Delta II (80% in 1 hour at 10 amps) to recharge the battery as needed much like a hybrid car. I test that system in parts 3 & 4 of this review.

Here's a review of my Champion 3400-Watt Dual Fuel Generator I used to recharge the Delta 2:

Part 1 covers: Unboxing, Initial charging, Setting up the EcoFlow app, Changing the charging rate using the app, Measuring the noise level while charging at different rates

Part 2 covers: Setting up the EcoFlow power station for day-to-day use as an Emergency Power for my 3d printer, why I use a standard computer UPS in between my EcoFlow and my 3d printer

Part 3 covers: Seeing if the battery will power the refrigerator for 8 hours (simulating overnight power), fast recharging during the day using a generator.

Part 4 covers: Charging the EcoFlow Delta 2 Powerstation using a car while driving, Unboxing the EcoFlow Delta 2 Smart Extra Battery, Hooking the extra battery to the base EcoFlow Delta 2 Powerstation. Seeing if the Powerstation and the extra battery will power the refrigerator for 8 hours (simulating overnight power), simultaneous powering of refrigerator and microwave while charging using a generator during the day.

Part 5 covers: Seeing if the Powerstation and the extra battery will power the refrigerator for 8 hours (simulating overnight power), simultaneous powering of refrigerator and microwave while charging using a generator during the day.

Link to EcoFlow Delta II:

Link to EcoFlow Delta 2 Smart Extra Battery:

Link to EcoFlow Delta II on Amazon:

Link to my Etsy Store:

End Screen Video Acknowledgement: Cosmic Reef Video produced by NASA and the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI).

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