1 year ago

Celtic salt taken with water to fight dehydration!!
Contains tons of minerals esp magnesium that pulls the water into the cells!
The Celtic Sea Salt Benefits
Celtic Sea Salts promotes salivation, helps to prevent dehydration by balancing and replenishing all the body’s electrolytes
It helps stabilize irregular heartbeat and balance the blood pressure.
It helps to prevent insomnia and boost energy.
Celtic salt helps to regenerate the hydroelectric energy in the cells. Sodium helps to prevent fatigue and the abundant micronutrients in the salt helps to calm the nervous system, which allows you to sleep better and prevent insomnia which boosts your energy.
It has healing properties and helps the body to be resistant to infections and bacterial diseases.
Celtic sea salt supplies your body with trace minerals that help to protect the body from infection and diseases. It also helps the body to heal faster.
When consumed regularly, it helps to eliminate excess mucus, thereby reducing nasal and lung congestion and using it as a bath salt can help to heal wounds.
It helps to balance the blood sugar.
The essential minerals in Celtic Sea Salt help to boost insulin sensitivity and stabilize blood sugar.

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