Repair, Re-build, or Replace? | THE Piper Cherokee Six Annual From Hell

1 year ago

This was not a fun video to make. There is no flying, no beautiful destination, witty banter or cool views. Just some cold hard facts of life and some tough and very expensive conversations. Most times you win Annual Inspection Lottery, but sometimes you lose…this is one of those days.

This vlog shares my recent not so fun experiences with aircraft ownership. I share our decision making process so that hopefully others can learn something from this experience. I meet with our A&P to have a sit down conversation in the shop to review the engine situation and discuss our options. We talk through the pros & cons of a quick repair vs. overhaul, vs. re-built vs new engine. What does an engine overhaul truly mean and what are you getting? Why is there such variation in quotes from shop to shop? How can Lycoming declare a re-built engine a 0 “Time Since New” engine? How are current supply chain challenges impacting the time & cost to keep a single engine GA plane flying safely?

DISCLAIMER: This video is highly edited for entertainment purposes only. It is NOT for instruction or training. I am not a CFI nor A&P. Seek qualified A&P, CFI and training in your own airplane. Now sit back, relax and enjoy the views! 😀

“Snowy Peaks'” – Chris Haugen

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Shout out to Brady and King Aero Aviation Services for your help making this vlog

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