Death by Number with Drums

1 year ago

Now here are 12 things which bear repeating
→Channel all of heaven through a divine relationship
→See the geometric ideal in all parts of life
→Have constant victory, starting with the way you see through your eyes
→And to that: realize number in all
→Treats your talents with the respect of a calling
→Get enthralled with letting manifestation happen
→See even when crap hits the fan, that its part of a bigger plan
→Understand even enemies are a piece of God
→Wield your thoughts as reality manifestation; particularly with gratitude as a force of orchestration
→Avoid annoying scenarios with over much complication
→Be able to shift between being responsive, and going inward for meditation
→Be patient with revelation, rather than forcing understanding

Now here is a way you can command your dreaming. See this mystical Eden, so you can enter such things like I have:
First you must relax. Breathe easy as you let go to sleep. You sink into bed and you see a ruby face around the stairs which show the stone under and amid the greater Emerald Pyramid. There are twenty eight steps each four feet high. Take a silver platform three steps shy of the top. Then stop at this step which is LOA: the place where you make it through death.
This is an aether where the next level of ascension hides. You are engaged in your deeper mission: to be ready for true transition and to reside in this with victory. Angel MLE-AKRN is the pale female angel there, this piece of divinity there to give you the tools you need to access the mystery of how to die with mastery.


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