Independent Journalist (song for lara, liz, corey, toria, kerry, cathy and the rest...)

1 year ago

Independent Journalist

She was an Independent Journalist
Facing a big ol’ war.
Her country had abandoned her
Even before she was born.
But we grew up and found a lotta
Patriots around.
Now we’re waxing onward boldly
And we’re building on gaining ground
And we’ll proudly Stand
For the children of our Land.

She sees each person clearly.
The facts are in their place.
The Truth as plain as day
Like the Light of His Glorious Face
And it Shines down upon me
Like the Sunlight on your skin.
And you smile and say, “Good day, sir.”
And you get on to work
And you get some Bread and Win
For your Family and Kin.

Now you don’t even have to know
How the whole Story ends.
You just have to know how to Stand.
You just have to know how to Begin.
And walk down that Line
And work with your Hands.
Let Him teach you to Build a Mountain
And Pray you don’t have to Wage War, but
If you have to then you
Have to set your Mind up Straight.

This song is dedicated to the true journalists who broke free from the false security of a highly paid job in mainstream, big corp media because the Truth is more valuable than any amount of money, comfort, or fame. They refused to be slaves to the phony narratives pushed on them. They did they own research. They went and spoke with the real people affected. Boots on the ground, even in the most dangerous of places, even making enemies from the mostpowerful, yet evil forces in the whole world. They are the bomb. They are the pioneers and history will forver cherish them. I cherish them and I would be honored to fight alongside and with them to the End. This is for you, Lara Logan, Liz Cronkin, Toria Brooke, Corey Lynn, Kerry Cassidy, Cathy O'Brien, James Corbett, Mike Adams, Scott Kesterson, Alex Jones, Chris Sky, Gene Ho, Garrett Ziegler, Ron Watkins, KanekoaTheGreat, Chief Nerd, The Vigilant Fox, The Lone Raccoon, BioClandestine, SGAnon, AndWeKnow, Seth Wholehouse, Ivan Raiklin, Matt Taibbi... there's so many now. Praise God. You are pioneering an entire army of Truth/Love Soldiers.

Song is a alteration variety of Neil Young's Captain Kennedy.

Sung in some love-filled cavern in small town western America - 4/13/23

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