PROJECT LIBERTY - Self - Sufficient Communities - Restoring Law and Accountability

1 year ago

Zoom 5-10 EST daily SwT80SwT80C it is a zero

Self - Sufficient Communities - Restoring Law and Accountability at the Local level- You may email We hold zooms daily 5- 10 est - YOUR Zoom Room at 5 -10 PM Daily Zoom 5-10 EST daily SwT80SwT80C it is a zero 5 meeting ID 694 548 9985
WE ARE PLANNING A CONCENTRATED EFFORT - with more comprehending the psy-op of the convoy to Ottawa was created by the globalists as a huge distraction which now more realize as a FEAR campaign to initiate the Emergency Act, install fear of freezing accounts.
All these were well calculated plans to control the protests to go NO WHERE as usual!
Now we want all these amazing and men and women to Concentrate truly what do we all want, We all want our liberty . How do we do this.
We want you to become involved in convoys in your local area in your respective provinces to go from town to help educate as many men and women that want to listen!
We will spend the entire summer educating the solution -
Men and women interested in this project Liberty - Self - sufficient Communities - Restoring Law and Accountability we welcome you all
No more honking horns for freedom, no more hanging banners over freeways, no more waited time. Time is now to communicate the message!
Spend a week in each town to educate the plan to restore Law and order. Meet you fellow brothers and sister build friendships and connections.
Together we will end this Shit Show
Here are 10 ways to fight corruption
1. Corruption is not only about bribes: People especially the poor get hurt when resources are wasted. That’s why it is so important to understand the different kinds of corruption to develop smart responses.
2. Power of the people: Create pathways that give men and women relevant tools to engage and participate in their community ( this BS of these governments having any authority must be abolished - they are NOT your government - How can they be your government when they are trying to murder you- so get of this stupidity and lets end this shit show– identify priorities, problems and find solutions.
3. Cut the red tape: Bring together formal and informal processes (this means working with men and women to form an administration for your local community,
You all decide everything , from what projects, the entire tax theft is removed and replaced with agreements what each individual wants to pay for and the services.
We remove any all-useless idiots' freeloaders stealing your hard-earned slave labor fiat cash - to enrich themselves at your demise!!!!
(Remove the old corrupt government as well as non-governmental groups)
Change behavior and monitor progress.
4. It’s not 1992 where the parasites made themselves out to be a predator stealing robbing from each and every man and women for the sustainable death sentence,
Over loading basic administration with useless idiots to create their own jobs to suck you dry of your wealth, The freeloaders must go!
Use the power of technology to build dynamic and continuous exchanges between key stakeholders: which is You - the men and women of your local community - You decide and make the decisions.
Not Parasite's or Predators who have never had any authority at all. This entire BS of these individuals having power over you must be removed, and then them fired , and held accountable for murder, Its plain murder what they have done!
Doing this you will be in control of government, business, civil society groups, media, academia etc.
5. Deliver the goods: Invest in institutions and policy – SELF _SUFFICENT improvement in how Your Administration delivers services is only possible if the men and women in these institutions endorse sensible rules and practices that allow for change while making the best use of tested traditions and legacies – imported models often do not work.
6. Get incentives right: Align anti-corruption measures with market, behavioral, and social forces. Adopting integrity standards is a smart business decision, especially for companies interested in doing business in your community.
They want to do business then they abide by the agreement of the community. If they do not the community will not support them financially and they will just go bankrupt. Putting the power into you the individual.
NO more of this corruption with the World Bank Group and other development partners who work to destroy your life and everyone else's!
7. Sanctions matter: Punishing corruption is a vital component of any effective anti-corruption effort.
Grand Jury is already created and training will be available to assist you in developing your grand jury system.
8. Remove this stupidity of NWO Act globally from your vocabulary!
ACT locally: Keep men and women engaged on corruption at "LOCAL LEVEL"
This regurgitated NWO bullshit of national, international and global levels –
This is why we are in this mess. They want you at your local level to have NO authority to prosecute these parasites. This STOPS NOW - We will be enforcing the LAW at the local level. We end the corruption locally . This is the most important step forward to ending the corruption!!!!
Message will be CLEAR if you commit a CRIME YOU WILL PAY FOR IT!
Be NO MORE of this Bullshit where these enforcement officers commit crimes and the tax slave pays the victim, NOT a chance the individual will pay , loose his pensions, his home to repay everything he or she did. Accountability is coming.
Make use of the architecture that has been developed and the platforms that exist for engagement.
9. Build capacity for those who need it most:
We will not fund, help , endorse any of these countries who are involved in the globalist's agenda.
The men and women in these other countries will have to clean up their shit show themselves.
Responsibility comes from them alone, no one else can do it for them. Grow up grab a pair or continue to be enslaved, Free will is yours , You decide your future
Countries or what many of now comprehend are corporations - These corporation which the uneducated refer to as - Countries they suffer from chronic fragility, conflict and violence– because the parasites use these weapons to destroy your community, the restrict you to protect yourself and hold these criminals to justice. This changes NOW. We are the power, and we are done with their Bullshit!
Under the Criminal Parasite system, the so-called countries are robbed , resources are stolen, and financially the men and women fall int poverty.
10. Learn by doing: Any good strategy must be continually monitored and evaluated to make sure it can be easily adapted as situations on the ground change.
What are other ways we could fight corruption? Tell us in the comments.
We hold zooms daily 5- 10 est
We have made huge advances,,, So as we have stated it's not what we can do for you, It is what you can do yourself, We support your efforts, work with teams, help assist them in growth,, It is up you to organize.
Become the leader, and then you become liberated.. We are NOT here to save you , You as an individual Have to save yourself,
As we have stated we will support any real truther, on helping them. We have each other, then it's a 100 percent win,,,
To add it's Not - what you can do for the corporation ( AGENT ORANGE) of the de-facto Canada or the de-facto US,( AGENT ORANGE 2) it's what you can do for you, and your local area.. So simple - once you get this imaginary BS of what you call Canada or I call ( AGENT ORANGE) out of your indoctrination,
There is NO country of Canada ( AGENT ORANGE), it's a Corportation that wants you dead!
The power is for you to clean up the shit show in your local community, one block at a time,
We support that, Build your own team, We cannot build it for you, we are not there, You must fight for your right to live and stop waiting for someone to do it for you. Never going to happen!
So its your battle face it , You have to end this shit show
Were with you on this project!

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