Listen to the Rabbis

1 year ago

To all who adhere to guidance from HaShem,
In the near future our Government agencies will authorize the usage of a vaccine for the corona virus. Our entire Government believes this is a good thing. The only argument is if they will make the vaccine mandatory for the entire population or voluntary.
We hereby inform you that this belief is contrary to the instructions of our Torah from HaShem.
Every vaccine is inherently sinful as they all cause damage to our bodies and we transgress the prohibition of protecting the health of our bodies (Deuteronomy 4, 15). The only time a vaccine is permitted and maybe even obligated is if it’s necessary to prevent an illness to the person (and not to possibly prevent it from spreading to others).
There are many vaccines that some Torah authorities have concluded to fall into these categories. However, in the case of the corona virus vaccine the prohibition is absolute according to all opinions. There is no room for leniency. There are 2 distinct reasons for this ruling:
1) There is no need for a vaccine. There are many ways to prevent and cure this virus naturally or with safe medications and vitamins.
2) The virus is not dangerous for the overwhelming majority of the population. For them the sin of inserting toxins into the body remains. For the minority of high risk patients who would otherwise be permitted to do a damaging procedure to possibly save their lives, there is no safe vaccine, as the trials to prove the vaccine to be safe are only being done on healthy people.
Rabbi Pinchas Levin

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