Fall at a Store? Chicago Fall Down Lawyer Tells It! [BJP#147] [Call 312-500-4500]

1 year ago

Chicago Fall Down Lawyer

In this episode of the Blind Justice Podcast, Scott and Amelia talk about how to prove a chicago slip and fall in a store, like a grocery store

Since you have to prove what made you fall and that the problem was around long enough that the store knew oe should have known about it, that's the first area we have to know about. Was it food? Oil water? What made you fall?

Next, did the store manager or employee say how long it was there? Where there old footprints or shopping cart marks through the food or water or oil? Was it a large spill or a small one? Where was the closest employee to where the all happened? All of these kinds of facts help an injury lawyer deicde whether you have a case which can be proven.

You can take my FREE Injury Quizzes here:

What's My Case Worth?: https://desalvolaw.com/caseworth/

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I hope this information helps, but if you still have questions, I offer a FREE DVD and book which explains your rights. You can get it by calling 888-HURT-318 (888-487-8318) and asking for "the Free DVD and Book" and we will mail it out to you.

Or, you can go to www.desalvolaw.com/dvd to fill out a form and we will send it to you. Same deal, free and no obligation.

Or you can visit my website for more information here: https://desalvolaw.com/practice-areas/slip-trip-fall-injury/

Thanks for watching and good luck!

Scott D. DeSalvo
The Law Office of Scott D. DeSalvo, LLC
Chicago Fall Down Lawyer

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