Interview with Carol DiPaolo, Former National Pediatric AIDS Rep, who had relations with Dr. Fauci

1 year ago

Carol DiPaolo, Former National Pediatric AIDS representative acted as a liaison between the AIDS community and Pediatric AIDS research. She was an active member of the CCG, a group Dr. Anthony Fauci assisted in creating. Carol witnessed the devastating effects of the Trial drugs Anthony Fauci promoted for AIDS patients. He was testing these drugs on Orphans that had major profits and disregarding the treatments that were not profitable. Carol opens up about how back then they used Fear, experimented on Children, defunded any doctor promoting alternate treatments and pushed harmful drugs for profit. She explains how what she witnessed back then, is exactly what is happening now, as Fauci has promoted the use of the harmful Remdesivir, for profit, while excluding effective treatments such as ivermectin. She knows all to well, from her experience with him, who the REAL ANTHONY FAUCI IS!

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