Sacred Oil: Kelly-Marie Kerr and Dr. Sharnael

1 year ago

Did you know that we create a Sacred Oil Secretion “Christ Oil “ through our own body??? There is an actual connection between Christianity, The Kundalini Energy, and our amazing Pineal Gland!

Listen in on this interview to innerstand the anointing of the oil and how it works in the body to even create DMT in our own pineal!

Many aspects of the Sacred Oil are covered: the incredible nerve plexuses, chakras and churches of Revelations, sexual sperm and prostate fluids, divine male and female energies, the correct timing for observing the Sacred Secretion explained, biochemistry and melatonin conversion, the beauty and magic of the stars, the importance of the pineal gland, how exactly to enhance the body’s vibratory frequency and why this is paramount for total health: mind, body and spirit, insights for abundance yielding nutrition, exercise habits, prayer techniques, meditation guides and achieving a vibration or attitude of unconditional love.

Her books:
The Cell of Life: Awakening and Regenerating

Elevation: The Divine Power of The Human Body

The God Design: Secrets of the Mind, Body and Soul

Learn more about Kelly-Marie’s work at:

Dr. Sharnael Wolverton Sehon is a naturopathic doctor, quantum scientist, linguist, and theologian, integrating these disparate wisdoms into one language of miracles. Her scientific approach has helped countless people Re-member TRUTH, Love, and purpose, transmute what does not serve them, and re-code their lives. Her extensive work can be explored at and

Tune in Thursday April 13th at 12:00 noon CST

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