Tommy says he's not a creeper and also says some more bullshit and lies

1 year ago

Tommy says anyone that threaten to dox women if not do what there told is a predator and I agree and that's why I say your a predator tommy, you went and doxxed Blue and put out her real name, address and phone number while she's in hiding from her abuser. You doxxed Cece who is a trafficking victim, you doxxed Cherie, Steff and Blonde so yeah your not only a predator but your also a piece of shit. Now you wanna keep protecting your pedo brother but what if that was someone you caught Tommy? I guarantee you'd be talking shit about them but since it's your brother it's ok. He also wasn't just arrested for a picture he beat this girl, stalked her, intimidated her, threatened and harassed her, exploited her by phone and computer, was in possession of CP as well as a couple other charges. Tommy you were found guilty on 3 counts of contributing to the delinquincy of a minor but you keep denying it but your gonna be fucked cause i foia requested the police reports for that case and that report includes your domestic violence charges so it's like a 2 for 1. Again you bring up the drug issue again, Tommy I could give a fuck if your on Methadone cause you use to be an addict, I don't care if your currently using I don't give a fuck but what bothers me is you deny all this shit when we saw you bang out a line in your car and garage and we have all seen the methadone bottle on your desk and you have yet to give a good explanation for why it's there and you act like your so much better then someone who is using. You try to say you don't take any drugs not even Tylenol 🙄 your full of shit. How bout give a little respect to all your supporters who are suffering from addiction. And if you are clean how bout talk about it to your supporters and let them know how you overcame addiction but no you just talk shit about addicts when we know your one yourself you were fuckin trashed the other night and that wasn't alcohol that was either heroin or fent or could of been pills but either way you were fucked up I never seen you that fucked up your eyes were halfway shut most of the time and I know you weren't drunk because you were not slurring your words which you normally do when your drunk #tommyfellows #coloradopedpatrol #tommyfellowsexposed #coloradopedpatrolexposed

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