did sad animal facts toss jarrah forest Western Australia baby Quokkas at bad parents escaping guilt

1 year ago

this behavior has been observed in rodents, rabbits, beetles, bees, & humans & "This makes evolutionary sense because the mum is a proven breeder, whereas the young may be infertile,” says 'Hayward
on the behavior of trapped mother quokka Setonix brachyurus Macropodidae Marsupialia northern jarrah forest Western Australia the words throw drop were never used but expel is used 2 times by Matt W. Hayward, Paul J. de Tores, Michael L. Augee, & Peter B. Banks, in their Mortality and survivorship of the quokka in Wildlife Research 2005, v 32, page 715 through 722

When trapped & aware of an approaching researcher a quokka generally attempted to escape, during violent, evasive movements larger young were often dislodged, or released from the pouch of females & in radio-monitored individual's the Pouch young had a 100% survivorship if taped back into the pouch after sedation had caused pouch opening muscle to become relaxed must imply it's unlikely that it is an accident caused by researchers & female quokkas have muscular control over the pouch opening & trapping was unlikely to have inhibited the population recovery

IF the pouch release is found to be a physical action by the mother then it can be viewed as a useful predator-avoidance strategy a behavioural response & the pouch young were actually physically expelled by the mother When a female quokka becomes aware of a life-threatening interaction with a predator, she may expel her off-spring & then a pouch young will flounder on the ground and ‘hiss’ loudly & subsequent noise attracts the attention of the approaching predator & the predator would take the young in such circumstances.

Comparable "behavior" has been observed in other marsupials:

(Banks 1997) grey kangaroo when chased by foxes dropped pouch young

(Robert shaw and Harden 1985 1986). decided high proportion of young bicolor swamp Wallaby taken by dingo were thought to be ejected by the mother

June 12, 2018 sadanimalfacts instagram posted I’ve got some upsetting news about
Quokkas toss their babies at predators so they can escape, Feeling like a bad parent?

thumbnail Image credit tod dynho photography (IG) Rottnest Island, Western Australia

living with parents & siblings contributes strongly to lower levels of infanticide in mammals & Common degus do not show this behaviour

https://archive.ph/uIeRM = the pic
https://youtu.be/5soO3gi071c Quokka "running"

= other citations archived due to youtube link bot & censor flag threats

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