Men in Wigs Invading Feminist Harems

1 year ago

Men in Wigs Invading the Feminist Harems Installed by Corrupt Patriarchs to Invade and Conquer Men's Spaces

That guy in a wig should not be talking back to that woman -- because that woman should not be talking in the first place, since she should not be pretending to have authority over a man.

For those who have forgotten: one key foundation of this alphabet cult is that, for generations, corrupt patriarchs in the west have been bankrolling weak, weird women to pretend authority over men.

One consequence is that the weakest and most cowardly of men have figured, "If you can't beat them, join them" -- and so they put on a wig and so forth, hoping to cash in on the degenerate female privilege that corrupt patriarchs give to hideous women like the woman in this video.

The alphabet cult is a symptom. Yet a deeper symptom is when corrupt patriarchs bankroll feminist harems to invade men's spaces, as has been happening for several generations in the west.

—Dr. Dr. Dr. Floyd

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