How to get Facebook Page Followers | Increase Facebook Page Followers | Information Hub

1 year ago

This video is about : How to grow your Facebook Page following?
Now that you've created a Page, you want people to check it out.
It's important to build a following of people who are interested in you and the content you share. There are several ways to create a following for your Page, but making people aware of it is the first step.
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Maintain an active community.
If people come to your Page and see that it's active, they are more likely to like your Page and engage with the existing community. You can also use Page Insights to see when your followers are most active online and what kind of content attracts the most engagement, then tailor your content accordingly.

Share your Page outside of Facebook.
Don't forget about other platforms. Share your Facebook Page on your website, in marketing materials and in blog posts to make sure that everyone who might want to follow your Page sees it.

Spend money on ads.
You can also grow your followers by advertising your Page on Facebook and Instagram. We will go over how to do this in later lessons.

Join or create relevant groups.
By posting as your Page in groups relevant to your business, you can reach people interested in what you do and increase your Page following. If you don't find any suitable groups, you can create your own to build a community and increase engagement with your business Page.

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