How To Check For a Blown Fuse

5 years ago

In this video I show you how to check for a blown fuse on your automobile. I actually show you 3 different ways that you can do this. The first way, which is the simplest way, involves simply looking at the fuse. Of course, depending on what kind of fuse you are inspecting, the fuse will have to be removed in order to get a good visual on it. The second way, which in my opinion is the simplest way, is to check your fuses with a test light. This method involves checking a hot fuse on both sides for power. If both sides has power and lights up the test light then the fuse is good. If not, and it only lights up the test light on one side of the fuse, then it's blown. I also give an example of a 3 prong fuse, which is a 2 in one fuse. This type of fuse should have power on all 3 legs. If not the fuse is blown. The third way of checking a fuse involves using a digital volt ohm meter to check for continuity through the fuse. A good fuse should have little to no resistance through it. If resistance greater than a tenth of an ohm (and that's high) is found then the fuse should be replaced. Typically thought a fuse will either be open or have perfect continuity. It is very rare to have a fuse with high resistance.

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