American Frontline Doctors

1 year ago

It says in Deuteronomy (30,19) “This day, I call upon the heaven and the earth as witnesses [that I have warned] you: I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse. You shall choose life, so that you and your offspring will live”.
Last week we’ve heard from doctors that there is a cure for the pandemic. This opinion has been discredited by the mainstream medical professionals politicians and media. Many of the doctors have suffered financial and emotional damage. Their message has been censored and their cure blocked. We are left bewildered who to listen to and why such harsh treatment. Are they a bunch of loons selling harmful snake oil?
The general principle (Exodus 23, 2) is to follow the majority opinion. Also, regarding a medical dispute, we follow the greatest experts. For this reason many Rabbis would conclude that we should listen to the mainstream of doctors, including Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx who are acclaimed to be great experts and have openly said not to listen to the frontline American doctors.
However, in the attached videos we see a very different picture. Here’s a summary of the videos with the names and primary messages from each speaker. The first video is the frontline American doctors.
1) Dr. Mobeen Syed explains of five different mechanisms how this protocol cures the virus on a cellular level.
2) Dr. Richard Urso demonstrates how this drug is amazingly safe. And the studies how this protocol is efficient and the studies that say otherwise were fraudulent or done incorrectly.
3) Dr. Simone Gold brings 4 sources from data bases about the safety of this medicine. She emphasizes the overwhelming data that there is no risk to the heart. And, as a prophylaxis for malaria it is extremely safe for adults and children of all ages and immune compromised. It is only dangerous for people with psoriasis.
4) Dr. Stella Immanuel discusses her extensive experience in Nigeria with the safety of this drug to prevent and cure malaria. She has used it with over 350 patients with this virus and they were all cured. She gave it to over 100 people as a prophylaxis, including frontline workers in contact with patients with the virus and nobody contracted the virus. 100% success rate both as a cure and prophylaxis.
5) Dr. Jeffrey Mitchel explains a phenomenon that 6 poor countries with malaria have almost no corona virus even though they’ve had plenty of international travel. The reason he suggests is because almost everyone who goes to these countries takes this medicine beforehand as a prophylaxis to malaria, and therefore automatically doesn’t bring corona virus.
6) Dr. Scott Barbour raises many issues of strange misinformation during this pandemic showing a clear pattern to spread the fear of the pandemic and discredit this cure.
7) Dr. James Todaro presents a thesis that the conspiracy against this medicine is not only from anti Trump climate. It’s also due to Gilead pharmaceutical company who gains billions on Remdesivir, even though their drug isn’t at all a cure.

The second video is a zoom meeting organized from Australia by Rabbi Nachum Shapiro.
1) Dr Zev (Vladimir) Zelenko describes his protocol which is extremely successful even in high risk patients. He treated over 2,200 patients and prepared a study of his success and sent it around the world. The protocol is currently being used successfully by hundreds of doctors around the world, including the frontline American doctors. He explains the mistakes (or evil) in the “studies” against his protocol.
2) Dr. Richard P. Bartlett agrees with Dr. Zelenko and adds another tool of Budesonide inhaled steroid which is used to prevent and cure asthma. Dr. Zelenko agrees with Dr. Bartlett.
3) Rabbi Yehoram Ulman says he personally verified with hundreds of people who have done the Zelenko protocol and have all been successfully prevented from sickness and cured. There is no doctor claiming to have done this protocol without success. There isn’t any know case of damage from doing this protocol. Therefore in Jewish law it’s clear. Even if there is a majority of doctors saying it doesn’t work, and even if this majority have more knowledge and expertise, we listen to the doctors who have actually used the protocol successfully. There are many doctors who have used it on many thousands of patients successfully.

In conclusion, the Halacha is very clear that we must listen to Dr. Zelenko and his protocols.
1) Everyone should clarify if they are in the category of high risk patients. If you don’t know, you should ask an expert. If you are in this category you must follow the prophylaxis protocol (as you would do if travelling to a country with malaria). This consists of Zinc Sulfate 220 mg. and Quercetin 500 mg. once a day for 5 days, followed by once a week. Both of these are over the counter dietary supplements and can be ordered online from amazon. They are not at all dangerous (so even if you are worried about the claims of mainstream media about the dangers of the prescription drug, this one all agree is safe). If you’re able and willing to get hydroxychloroquine 200 mg. instead of Quercetin , that would be better.
For anyone who is opposed to the prophylaxis because they categorically don’t take medicine:
Zinc is not a medicine. It's a mineral.
Quercetin is not a medicine. It's a flavonoid (plant pigment). It's in fruits and vegetables.
Zinc kills the Corona virus. It needs Quercetin to get to the cells to kill (or protect) from the virus. Thousands of unhealthy people have been taking these two dietary supplements to prevent contracting this virus with 100% success rate and no side effects or injuries. There are no risks. There’s no logical reason to be opposed to it.

2) If anyone has symptoms, speak with a medical professional to clarify that these are indeed symptoms of the virus and then start the protocol for cure as soon as possible (before the 6th day of the symptoms): This consists of 5 days Azithromycin 500 mg. and Zinc Sulfate 220 mg. once a day. Quercetin 500 mg. twice a day (If you’re able and willing to get hydroxychloroquine, that would be better, and take 200mg twice a day). And also a budesonide steroid inhaler if possible.

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