4.13.23- Classified DOCS, LEAKS didn’t work, BBC, UKRAINE, BRICS, PRAY!

1 year ago

Medical Alert Bracelet https://formerfedsgroup.org/shop/medic-alert-bracelets/bracelet/

Tucker: do you think Biden will stay in the race - Trump: I don’t think he can https://t.me/MistyG17/29292

President Trump says that the employees at the courthouse were crying when he went to New York to be arraigned. https://t.me/MistyG17/29296

😭NOOOO YOU CAN'T arrest journalists even when they're caught red-handed obtaining classified info! https://t.me/faithtruthhistory/4872

They have been lying about the Ukraine war saying that Russia was invading but they don’t tell you the entire story. https://t.me/PepeDeluxed/42500

JUST IN: Arizona GOP Sheriff Mark Lamb has filed FEC paperwork to run for the Arizona Senate in 2024. https://t.me/PepeDeluxed/42468

WATCH: CNN panelist defends Dalai Lama asking young boy to suck his tongue https://t.me/questioneverythingQ/37099

With the sexualisation of children part of "policy" within mainstream education, one leader in the education system stresses "Don't send a letter home to say your going to embark on this work" https://t.me/The_Storm_Q17/4853

xplosion at South Fork Dairy Farm in Dimmitt Texas last night. The fire spread into the dairy cow holding pens, https://t.me/conservativejblQck1776/117759

BREAKING 🚨Massive fire breaks out in a facility that is used for recycling and stores plastic and other material in Richmond, Indiana; evacuation orders issued. https://t.me/conservativejblQck1776/117760

Sen. Hawley: "The FBI did in fact try to infiltrate churches. The Attorney General misled Congress. And this administration is treating Christians like criminals." https://t.me/conservativejblQck1776/117756

In 2019, the number of fires at all manufacturing or processing plants in the US topped 5,300—nearly 15 a day. Additionally, more than 2,000 fires occurred in agricultural, grain and livestock, and refrigerated storage facilities, which could all include food processing operations. https://t.me/LauraAbolichannel/36446

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