Admiral William Guy Carr's "Pawns in the Game" 1958 speech EXPOSING the whole Satanic conspiracy to enslave the whole world (65 years ago!!)

1 year ago

Introduction of William Guy Carr 0-8:00 & William Guy Carr's speech 8:00-1:40:39

This is a 100 minute recording of a speech given by Commander William Guy Carr in Chicago just before his death in 1959. His message stands the test of time and is relevant for us today. Commander Carr, the famous author of "Red Fog over America" and "Pawns in the Game" gives a comprehensive political and philosophical overview of the Illuminati-International Banker conspiracy to undermine all nations and create a one world government.

Bavarian illuminati (Adam Weishaupt) May 1st 1776 and they are brilliantly minded men and unfortunately they have become so swollen headed that they actually believe that they know better than almighty God how the universe should be ruled and that is the struggle that is going on today (1958). Adam Weishaupt said in 1776 that anything with "ISM" at the end of it is (Communism, Zionism, Capitalism, etc...) all about building a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT as their ultimate aim. Organized, Financed, Directed, & Controlled by members of the illuminati. Throughout the ages the illuminati has ELECTED and S-ELECTED those who are to succeed them. They are children of well bred families who are well educated & trained to lead the world revolutionary movements. These young people as they are going to College and University don't realize why they are being given GRANTS and SCHOLARSHIPS but they become attached to those who are financing them and as these brilliantly minded young men have been educated and are under the tuition of those men who represent themselves as ONE-WORLDERS.

The illuminati are able to keep their plans SECRET and to keep DIVIDING the worlds population into OPPOSING CAMPS where the illuminati will provide the INCIDENT for the opposing parties to FIGHT each other and the illuminati REAP the FINANCIAL BENEFITS (Financing both sides) as they patiently sit back on the sidelines and wait for the day where all GOVERNMENTS and RELIGIONS will have been destroyed and when this point is reached, then for the first time they will make known to man the PURE LIGHT of the true Dogma of LUCIFER and impose it with SATANIC despotism.

What Adam Weishop said in the late 1700's, General Albert Pike confirmed in the late 1800s. Albert Pike and Giuseppe Mazzni worked on wars and revolutions. It is hard for the average decent person to believe that a DIABOLICAL PLOT has been in operation. They use CUNNING and DECEIT.

Since 1801 there has hardly been a Prime Minister in Britain or Canada or a President of the United States was wasn't under the control of the illuminati.

Talks about an important infamous 1786 illuminati document that a horse carrier had bringing it from Frankfurt Germany to Paris France in 1789 when he got struck by lightning and killed him and the Bavarian Government took this document and had it published the details of this international plot by these illuminists and Jacobins who had been entrusted to start the French Revolution (1789). Says Thomas Jefferson transferred the document about the PLOT from Europe to America.

He talks about a 1798 book called "Proofs of a Conspiracy Against All the Religions and Governments of Europe, Carried on in the Secret Meetings of Free Masons, Illuminati, and Reading Societies". You can read the 412 page book here flipping the pages.

The illuminati had infiltrated into the Masonic Lodges of the United States back in 1789 and created a secret society WITHIN a secret society. Says he is not blaming the Scottish freemasons or the others as he knows only too well that it is a rare occasion when a 32nd & 33rd degree masons who suspects that higher than them is the secret part that infiltrated into the organization. This conspiracy runs everyday right up to the present time (1958).

Talks about Albert Pikes 1871 letter that describes the coming 3 world wars with the 3 world war between the Arabs and Israel. WW1 was used to bring in Communism in Russia (1917). These illuminists directed Vladimir Lenin & Leon Trotsky to lead the movement and usurp the power in Russia when the moment was right. In 1916, the international bankers of Britain, USA, Germany, Sweden, and France met in Stockholm for the purpose of deciding the final details of the Russian Revolution.
Peace will happen once all OPPOSING FORCES have been destroyed. The average communist doesn't know that he is also to be destroyed in the final phase of the conspiracy. It was making these facts known to the communist party in Canada where they split the communist party right down the middle in 1957 as he had supplied the August 15th 1871 letter that Albert Pike had written to Giuseppe Mazzni that exposed that aspect of it.

Vladimir Lenin had been initiated into a sect of the illuminati in Switzerland. British & American intelligence knew exactly what was being planned as they had recorded the meeting of those bankers in Stockholm 1916 to those governments. The truth is they deposited $50 million to the bank of Sweden for the revolution as Vladimir Lenin was being given safe passage from Switzerland to Russia. Lenin's communist party was run by the brother of Paul Warburg in Germany. Paul Warburg was also involved in drafting the Federal Reserve system in 1910 and had it implemented in the USA in 1913.

Says William Lyon McKenzie King (Canadian Prime Minister (1921–26, 1926–30, 1935–48) and leader of the Liberal Party) ) had been educated & trained as a member of the illuminati and says his father was a cold blooded revolutionary leader working for this illuminati since 1907.

Since the Bolshevik revolution and Lenin's communist party in 1916 to 1924 when Lenin died there was not one communist member left alive since 1916 except two who were initiated with the illuminati freemasonic group. After they serve their purpose (useful idiots) they get LIQUIDATED! Anyone who serves the illuminati, after they serve their purpose they are completely wiped out (Like Hitler having the Brown shirts murdered after they fulfilled their use in 1934).

One of the best British Admirals who fought in WW1 had told William Guy Carr that he was 58 years old when he began to suspect a secret power that seems to be able get governments to adopt policies that lead to our own destruction is the illuminati.
He says that British Prime Minister Winston Churchill during WW2 ordered the secret police (that no one even knew existed in England) at midnight to raid the homes of 475 patriots including Admirals of the British Navy and took them out of their beds in the middle of the night and locked them up for 4.5 years WITHOUT a charge.

United Nations formed right after WW2 which was another step closer to this ONE WORLD ORDER. William Guy Carr says he has been working in Intelligence way back in 1912 (17 years old?). (1 hour MARK here).

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