Article Video - Crime and Immorality - Thursday, April 13, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

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Article Video - Crime and Immorality - Thursday, April 13, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

Information provided to H.E. Cardinal Mamberti and the Vatican Chancery Court regarding our Claims March 6th 2005, January 19th 2023 in Seq

The undisclosed and illegal territorial military occupation of this country and many other countries worldwide has been accomplished by the Municipal Corporations housed in the District of Columbia and a plethora of similarly constructed organizations acting as franchises in other corners of the world.

These renegade corporations follow the same basic pattern to the same result: military occupation by territorial forces secretly acting as commercial mercenaries and operating out of territorial enclaves used as pirate bases and tax havens.

These privateers originally operated under Letters of Marque issued by the Lord Mayor of the Inner City of London and the British Monarch, but those Letters of Marque are held invalid, especially as relates to our country and our population as neutral states not engaged in any such "unofficial war" or mercenary conflict.

The Perpetrators used the Isle of Man for this purpose in Britain, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico in The United States, Norfolk Island in Australia, and most recently, they are developing the Mariana Islands for the same purpose.

It may be anti-intuitive to think that these tiny enclaves can be of much importance, but the importance becomes clear when you realize that these enclaves can be controlled very easily and the laws adopted within these enclaves can be hand-tailored to suit the needs of the Municipal Corporation interests in control of them.

For example, Puerto Rico which is a "US Possession" is also nonetheless a Commonwealth nation and continues to use the Spanish Law of the Inquisition. By basing their operations out of Puerto Rico the Perpetrators could access this draconian form of law and apply it to all the American shelf corporation "ESTATES" housed in Puerto Rico and used as "cargo" in the new variation of the Bottomry Bonds Scandal.

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