USS Florida : The Silent Killer, Iran's Military Might Shrinker #ussflorida #usnavy #shieldwall

1 year ago

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Introduction - 0:00
Chapter 2 - 2:14
Chapter 3 - 3:30
Chapter 4 - 4:10
Chapter 5 - 4:48

The USS Florida (SSGN-728) is an Ohio-class guided missile submarine (SSGN) in service with the United States Navy. Initially commissioned as a ballistic missile submarine (SSBN), the Florida was later converted to an SSGN, reflecting the strategic shift in the US Navy's priorities. This paper provides a comprehensive analysis of the submarine's history, design, capabilities, operational history, and future prospects.
The USS Florida was commissioned on June 18, 1983, as the sixth of the 18 Ohio-class submarines built by the United States. Named after the US state of Florida, the submarine was originally designed as a nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine (SSBN). However, the post-Cold War geopolitical landscape and shifting defense priorities led to the decision to convert four of the 18 Ohio-class SSBNs into SSGNs, including the Florida.
The USS Florida was built by the General Dynamics Electric Boat Division in Groton, Connecticut. The Ohio-class submarines are the largest in the US Navy, measuring 560 feet (170 meters) in length and 42 feet (13 meters) in diameter. The Florida's hull is constructed of high-yield steel, which allows the submarine to operate at great depths.

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