20 ways cats can show affection and choose a favorite owner.

1 year ago

"Cat purring: Cat purring is a form of communication that often indicates a relaxed and happy cat. When a cat purrs while being petted by its owner, it is a sign that it feels good with him/her.

Cheek rubbing: Cats often rub their cheeks against the legs or hands of the people they love, leaving their scent on their favorite objects. This behavior is a way for cats to communicate their love and trust.

Body language: Cats can assume different postures and positions to indicate their mood and intention. For example, if a cat rolls over on its back when it sees its owner, this could be a sign of trust and affection.

Attention-seeking: Cats love the attention of their favorite people and often try to get their attention with meows, jumps, or gestures.

Following the owner: Many cats follow their owners around the house or position themselves next to them when they sit or relax.

Tone of voice: Cats are sensitive to the tone of voice of their owners and can respond positively to calm and relaxed voices.

Playing: Cats love to play and often choose their favorite owner as a playmate.

Sleeping nearby: Cats love to sleep and often cuddle up next to their favorite owners when they relax.

Cuddling: Many cats love to be petted and cuddled by humans, especially those they consider their favorite."

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