Biden’s ‘Assault Weapon’ Ban Isn’t About Guns….It’s About Control!

1 year ago

The Radical Left is hell bent on banning AR-15s and hundreds of similar ‘assault weapons’ because they know that before they can truly conquer our country, they first need to disarm us!

That’s what H.R. 698/S. 25 would do: disarm the American people by making it a felony to buy an AR-15 or 30-round magazine. And the minute this bill is signed into law, the Left would immediately work to confiscate the AR-15’s already in circulation.

But to pass this, Biden needs votes from RINOs like Mike Turner and Dave Joyce, who voted for Biden’s ‘Red Flag’ law last year! We can’t take anything for granted.

Call Senators Brown and Vance, and your Congressman, and tell them to VOTE NO on any attempt to ban AR-15s! Call now: 202-224-3121.

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