Golden-Solar Angels Abundance Transmission: Igniting 5D Wealth Consciousness.

1 year ago

At this time, as we enter the Aquarian Age of Light, many old structures are dissolving, and new structures are emerging. One area that is transforming is that of money and abundance. Money and all forms of wealth have been highly controlled and manipulated for thousands of years. Now this is changing as the planet is ascending in vibration.

In this transmission we call upon two sets of angels. Solar angels from the sun of our solar system and angels that oversee the flow of money. We call upon these angels to help ignite a greater capacity to hold the energy flow of monetary wealth in the physical, etheric, emotional and mental bodies.

"Allow this light to go deep into your physical body, etheric, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. Allow this light to go deeper into what your unconscious and conscious minds believe is possible for you to allow, attract or create in this lifetime. Allow this light to radiate out into your reality. Into the earth beneath your feet. Into all of your relationships. Into your work. Into your dreams for this lifetime....."

Music by Laurentiu Florea. The track is called - Attract Money (11Hz Alpha Binaural Waves).

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