(2) This is How You Don't Play Nier Replicant - Route A - Part 2 of 2 - KingDDDuke - TiHYDP #8

1 year ago

Watch Part 1 Here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rFpu7n7f8t4
TiHYDP by KingDDDuke Playlist - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGnB3HidddYOVQMu1NmD-iDbUkE1oZsgg
TiHYDP Nier Replicant Playlist - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGnB3HidddYN6Q0c18fohjP1eSxyevhC9
TiHYDP Nier Replicant Playlist
#ThisIsHowYouDontPlay #TiHYDP #DSPGaming
Howdy everyone, KingDDDuke here! This premiere is 93 minutes long. I got Content ID on this video, but it doesn't matter, since I don't make money on YouTube anyways, I just have fun editing these awful DSP playthroughs into something that's tolerable. Hopefully it goes away like the one I got in TiHYDP Skyward Sword HD, but I'm not sure if it will. Hopefully it's not region blocked in anyway. I don't know if someone can even tell me if they can't watch it, I'm not sure if they would block the description from even being read.
I'm surprised I was able to salvage this much footage from the 2nd half of route a, considering how boring it is. Bring your pillows to this premiere, DSP is in full clock out mode, but he still finds ways to suck at basic combat and has horrible commentary and singing to ruin this game. I wish DSP was salty in part 2 like he is in part 1, but that just makes this version easier to edit since most of it is so boring. I condensed 19 hours of raw gameplay into 3 hours & 19 minutes supercut, so I think I did a good job abridging. I might do a 2nd cut of tihydp route a in the future where I combined parts 1 & 2 together & I cut out all the singing, snorting, coughing, goat laughing, & etc., to try to trim it down to about 2 hours.
I'm also thinking about skipping to Route E for the next TiHYDP Nier Replicant, some people told me Phil gets salty at that part, and it's only about 2 hours long when unedited (I'm not going to edit down DSP replaying the first 4 hours unless their is some good salt which I doubt). I see no reason to edit Routes B, C & D since it is probably going to just be the same stuff you already saw in this video, and I DO NOT want to suffer another 12 hours (more or less) of RAW & UNEDITED Phil when I already suffered about 19 hours so far.
I also (one day) wanted to do an abridged version of TiHYDP Hades, since all 17 parts of my DSP Tries It: Hades Series is a combined watch time of over 11 hours (Full unedited DSP Hades Playthrough is about 35 hours long) , and I want tot see if I can trim that down to just 3 hours by focusing just on DSP sucking at bosses rather than getting his hand held by the chat on which boons to choose.
I'm having editor's block on TiHYDP Mario Party 9, so that project is on hold for now. Next Project will be TiHYDP Epic Mickey 2 with DSP & Panda Lee. No, It's not John Rambo, all those descriptions I wrote when I posted the schedule, I just assumed DSP played that game with John since DSP did the Wii U setup with John and played Nintendo Land with him (which I have TiHYDP for both of those right here on my channel, hint hint if you haven't seen them yet, both are on the TiHYDP Playlist). Even people on the comments of DSP Epic Mickey 2 are upset about no John Rambo in the co-op playthrough. Epic Mickey 2 was one of the Wii U launch titles DSP bought day one. I don't think DSP beat the game, since the playlist is only about 4 hours long, unless the game is that short. The 1st one is about 12 hours or so to beat if I remember correctly. Views were probably low on EPic Mickey 2 Playthrough because it didn't have John Rambo in it. I never played Epic Mickey 2, but I played the 1st one, so I assume the gameplay is the same. I'm curious to see how co-op works in that game, since the 1st one was single player only.
Thank you for watching!
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I'm not going to do a schedule anymore because I end up cancelling or delaying most of the TiHYDPs I announce.


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Youtube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYbeRBj23hNmcgeCVmWWO9Q
Bitchute Channel - https://www.bitchute.com/channel/AFa5URQnjKVY/
Odysee Channel - https://odysee.com/@KingDDDuke:e
DailyMotion Channel - https://www.dailymotion.com/KingDDDuke
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