FBI says "Traditionalist Catholics" are a terrorist risk.

1 year ago

Well back in the 50's the CIA infiltrated all seminary schools. When a Pastor
graduated they were to signup for the 501C3 this giving the government control
of the churches in what they can and cannot say "Especially Political" they can
lose their tax exemption status. Research the "Johnson Amendment."

You can also look up Biblical Law on the 501C3 churches.

By doing this they dumped down GOD'S people and to control them and
it also cut the head of Christ off of being the head of the church.
Satan is not stupid. This is why you'll find most churches will not be
political and do what the government tells them to do. They don't
want to lose that $$$$.

They tell you the Bible is not political so you won't keep asking,
a way for them to get out of having to talk about it. Romans 13 is also
a good example of control and they use against GOD'S people. It was
rewritten to control the church. They took out the part where it said "Submit
to the Most HIGH first."

Jesus proclaiming to be the King of the Jews was, among other things, a political statement. It put him over against other kings, be it Herod or Pilate or even Caesar himself.

And that meant confrontation - even political confrontation. The Bible is full of this, be it Elijah confronting Ahab, or Daniel and his friends confronting Nebuchadnezzar, or John the Baptist confronting Herod, or even Nathan the prophet confronting King David. Both religious and secular rulers - including political rulers - are constantly being held to account by GOD'S people.

The teaching of the Kingdom is far broader than political, yet it is also political. The rule of GOD over everything is also GOD’S rule in politics. It is the central truth of political life, the reference point for states, rulers, law, and justice - whether they recognize it or not. Logic requires it. How could the rule of GOD not apply to states and politics, as though GOD opted out of this part of our existence?

If you were to take all of these political stories out of the Bible, there wouldn't be much of a Bible left to read.

Satan knows GOD'S people are powerful when in unity, what a great way to infiltrate the churches and dump down GOD'S people

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