We Need Steven Crowder Back: #weneedcrowder

2 years ago

We haven't heard from crowder in a minimum of 3 weeks since Tim Pool, Four plus weeks since the daily wire fiasco. Now more than ever Crowder needs our support to remind him we are here and we support him. Create some traffic and lets remind Crowder we are still here.


Louder with Crowder Contact:

Steven Crowder
http://Youtube.com/StevenCrowder and Apple Podcast. Join #MugClub. For the latest video calling out Big Con, click the link below.

How can I get in touch with Steven?
There are a few ways for you to personally reach out to Steven. One is through Twitter. Try to keep your tweet short and pithy as he's inundated with tweets. The second way is to email through any number of our "secret" emails, which have been released during the daily show. But be aware, most emails get filtered through staff first. Again, keep it short and pithy. Novel length emails get deleted promptly.

#weneedcrowder #louderwithcrowder #stevencrowder #stopbigcon #changemymind

- "Baby Come Back" by [Player] Licensed through [Youtube] [https://www.google.com/search?q=baby+come+back&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS1009US1009&oq=baby+come+back&aqs=chrome.0.0i271j46i433i512j0i512l5j46i512l2j0i512.3453j0j15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:dde4612a,vid:tjBs4pKwzhU]"

- "We Missed You Randy" by [South Park] Licensed through [YouTube] [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7eE8vxnj0Zs]"

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