Everybody on drugs; Mommy wine culture; Justin Jones history; FBI mess | JLP SHOW (4/14/23)

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00:00:00 - testing stream
00:19:38 - STAND UP
00:27:35 - errbody on drugs
00:40:32 - overdoses going up
00:57:00 - SUPERCHATS
01:20:27 - HOUR TWO
01:30:58 - “JLP is the best!”
01:32:55 - “wife driving me in the car”
01:38:19 - “black on black crime”
01:57:14 - SUPERCHATS
02:06:27 - back to callers
02:15:00 - HAKE NEWS with James Hake
02:20:29 - HOUR THREE
02:40:30 - mommy wine culture
02:45:00 - Justin jones mess
02:55:30 - “drugs in America”
03:06:10 - “woke state of the world”
03:11:14 - SUPERCHATS

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