Thermostat and Thermostat Housing Replacement 1998 Dodge Durango 5.2L

4 years ago

In this video I replace the thermostat and thermostat outlet, aka thermostat housing, on a 1998 Dodge Durango 5.2L V-8. The approach I take in this video is the "long way". I end up taking off a lot of components in order to open things up so that I could clean the mating surface really well. Having all the components out of the way as shown in the video really helps in doing a good job. However, you don't have to take all that stuff off. You can take the thermostat housing out and still clean the mating surface. I've done it several times. In my opinion it's difficult to do it this way and do a good job. A lot of folks think it's difficult to take off all the stuff I did. I don't think so. I guess it's up to you to pick your "difficult". Either way good luck.

Note: You will have to bleed and fill the cooling system after this repair. Also, check over your work to ensure there are no leaks after repair. A pressure tester would be needed to properly check the system for leaks.

Be sure to allow the RTV applied to the gasket to fully dry before adding coolant.

Here are some other videos that you may find helpful.

Bleeding And Filling Cooling System With Vacuum Filler (The Best Method in my opinion!)

If you don't have a vacuum filler then you could use a fill funnel to bleed the system. Note: It is a little more difficult to get all the air our using this method. Also, the vehicle shown in the video is not the same but the concept is similar. Refer to your repair manual for any special precautions that need to be taken.

Here is a video showing how to pressure test a cooling system to check for leaks.

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