How To Bleed Brakes With A Helper

4 years ago

How to bleed brakes using the buddy system (communicate with each other)

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Be sure your vehicle is properly lifted and supported before beginning this procedure. ! -use your repair manual for this information.

Step one: Top off the brake fluid.

Step two: Gravity bleed the brakes at the wheel you are trying to remove air from. "Gravity bleeding" is basically just letting the brake fluid drip with the reservoir cap off and the bleeder screw open. Once a drip has been achieved proceed to step three.

Step three: After the bleeder screw has been closed and the brake fluid topped back off and the reservoir cap has been installed have an assistant pump the brakes for you three times and hold it applying constant pressure on the pedal. While pressure is being applied to the pedal open the bleeder screw slowly. Allow air and fluid to escape until the brake pedal has reached the floor. Once the pedal has reached the floor then close the bleeder screw..... Repeat this step repeatedly until you get a constant flow of brake fluid. If you see spitting then that means their is air. CHECK YOUR BRAKE FLUID REPEATEDLY ESPECIALLY IF YOU ARE BLEEDING FOR A LONG TIME. TOP OFF AS NEEDED.

Step four: Once all the air has been removed tighten down the bleeder screw to the specification outlined in your repair manual and check the feel of the brake pedal. The pedal should be nice and firm and should not fade to the floor when applying pressure. If the pedal is not firm then air may still be present in the system. Remove all the air from the brake system before driving vehicle.

It's been my experience that the majority of vehicles are to be bleed at the right rear first, then the left rear, then the right front, then the left front.

Please note: If the system has ingested too much air and air could not be fully removed from the brake system the ABS HCU may have to be bleed using a bleeding procedure that requires special tools such as a scan tool that is capable of this etc. Also, If the master cylinder was replaced the master cylinder must be bench bled in order to removed air from it. (not shown in video)

If you are not successful in removing all the air from the brake system and are not able to achieve a consistently firm and responsive brake pedal DO NOT DRIVE THE VEHICLE TO A SHOP. TOW IT TO A SHOP TO HAVE IT REPAIRED. DRIVING YOUR VEHICLE WITHOUT PROPERLY WORKING BRAKES IS DANGEROUS AND COULD RESULT IN PERSONAL INJURY AND OR DEATH TO YOU AND OTHERS!

!!Notice!!: Do clean any residual brake fluid that may have gotten on your caliper or other components when bleeding your brakes. Brake fluid is corrosive and can possibly promote rust. Make efforts not to get brake fluid on wheels or tires. Brake fluid can be slung off the wheels and tires. This can possibly get onto your paint. Brake fluid can eat through your paint.

Here are some other videos you may be interested in!

"How to collapse/ compress a twist in brake caliper"

"How to diagnose a locked up brake caliper"

Note: the vehicle shown in the video was not running at the time of bleeding the system. Unless your repair manual states other wise I suggest having the engine off when bleeding the brakes.
Also, this procedure may not apply to every vehicle out there. Use a repair manual to confirm what is the correct way to bleed the brakes on the vehicle you are working on.

Barbour's Auto Help is not responsible for any damage or personal injury incurred in the process of performing any auto repairs done by you the viewer. It is the viewers responsibility to verify all information and procedures as outlined in YOUR REPAIR MANUAL AND OWNERS MANUAL FOR YOUR VEHICLE. Owning and using a repair manual suited for your vehicle is essential for correctly and safely performing ANY repair to your vehicle. Always wear safety glasses and heed all instructions for use applicable to any piece of equipment you may use. Due to circumstances out of the control of Barbours Auto Help, Barbours Auto Help makes no guaranty that by the use of the information given in this video a quality repair will be made. Barbour'sAutoHelp makes no guaranty that the information provided is totally complete, syncronized and accurate. Verify everything using an appropriate repair manual. Repair your vehicle at your own risk! Barbour's auto help does not guaranty a proper repair using these techniques.

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Zombie Rock by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (

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