The age-old advice of "fake it till you make it" might be just what you need to hear.

1 year ago

👀The age-old advice of "fake it till you make it" might be just what you need to hear.
✔Here's the truth: to succeed, you must act and feel like you're already successful. 

✔But here's the catch: if you have yet to work on yourself, you'll never be able to sustain that level of success. 
You'll always fall back to square one. Faking it can only take you so far.

That's why it's crucial to do the work yourself. Develop the skills, mindset, and habits to sustain your success🚀.

And once you've done that work and truly made it, there's no more need to fake it.

So, should you fake it till you make it? ✅Yes, but only if you can do the work yourself. 

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