Freemason Run US Military Degrades World Perception Upon America

1 year ago


Former CIA Analyst John Kiriakou shows Americans the Freemasonic Corruption hidden behind world politics.

The NWO Freemasons are sworn to destroy the USA in order to finally bring about a world-wide "Global Governance." This rising of their Fiery Phoenix on so many flags and coats-of-arms throughout Western Civilization is their NWO. The Nazis had the double-headed(two-faced) phoenix. Secretly, Freemasons rule all politics, military, and mass-media (and social-media like Elon Musk's Twitter).

Why are the US troops in Syria illegally?... So the America people become the "bad-guys" by the world's perception. Why do the Freemasons push transgenderism as a new religion in the USA? So when America is attacked, few will offer to come to help the good sheople of America. Freemasons will have destroyed the Constitutional Republic which masonic founding-fathers pretended to create. They were just puppets following the directions of Homo capensis puppet-masters (the ancient sheepherders of the naive Homo sapiens species).

The Freemasons sell-out the US Constitutional Republic from the shadows as they serve their NWO-takeover;
Backstabbing is what Freemasons do best. They are the traitors-within who run all countries, even Ukraine, Russia and China are run by the Mystery School Cult minions who pretend to be leading citizens of those countries.

World politics since 9/11 has been just a big stage-play to bring about a global economic collapse, World politics is secretly-designed to install a brainchipped techno-feudalism to over-take the entire world. You do not see it, but the old devils, the ancient, Homo capensis, satan-race-monsters actually always have commanded the Cult of Freemasonry from the shadows. While Freemasonry secretly commands the world politics. You see, I am showing you the monsters pulling the strings of freemasonry:
It is time to stop being naive children and stop the NWO takeover led by backstabbing thUgs.


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