Mastercard-DWAVE Quantum Finance Application Dev. Mastercard VP of R&D Steve Flinter

1 year ago

Mastercard-DWAVE Quantum Finance Application Dev. Mastercard VP of R&D Steve Flinter
Jan 31, 2023
The Cabal Mega-Corporations Are Indeed Working on Developing Quantum Technologies. But they are just in the First Stages of Adapting these Capabilities for their Existing Business Operations. They are Nowhere Near to Having the Capability to Take Over the Entire United States Currency Operations.
DWAVE is Probably the Closest to having the Capabilities to try to Tackle the Implementation of a QFS.
The video above is from just 3 months ago. Nothing indicates they are that close to actually achieving the stated goals they are already working on, let alone taking over America's Entire Monetary System.
There are many potential uses of quantum computers in finance. In this talk and demo, Mastercard VP of R&D Steve Flinter will discuss applications including optimizing credit card offers, quantum fraud detection, and optimizing the cross-border, multi-lateral net settlement process used to settle funds.
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