Fairy Wishing Spell

1 year ago

For this spell, you will need a small white birthday candle, a silver coin, seven moon cookies (sugar cookies cut into crescent moons), and a secluded wooded area where you can be alone.

As you walk through the woods, keep a close eye out for Fairy circles, small circular areas surrounded by inedible red fungi with white spots. It is believed that fairies meet within these rings to celebrate their magickal rites. When you find a fairy circle, carefully place your coin in the centre of it. Set the candle on top of the coin, light it, and make your wish.

When the candle has completely burned out, place the moon cookies around the coin, state your wish aloud, and then walk away. If you return to the spot and your coin and candle are gone, you will know that your wish has been granted.

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