Why are BOM making 350-500 million iterations to prior weather records at just one station? 24.05.21

1 year ago

This is an earlier set of questions I put to the Bureau of Meteorology about their homogenisation of weather records.

Why is the Bureau making hundreds of millions of iterations to past weather observations?
Why is the government wasting taxpayer dollars doing this?
Is this to push a certain climate change narrative because the real measurements don't support their lies?

Table 2 page 29 of the attached link below shows how much of the alleged increase in the temperature since 1910 has been fudged by the BOM. If you look at the mean temp from 1910, the fudged ACORN 2 figure of 0.123 over 10 decades equals 1.23 degrees which is 0.43 degrees hotter than ten decades of 0.08 or 0.8 degrees according to the raw data.

The BOM also ignore their change from large Stevenson screens to small Stevenson screens which according to an international peer reviewed study increased observed temperatures by 0.54 degrees.
The remaining 0.26 degrees falls within the + or - 0.5 degrees margin of error. Note this figure also ignores the change from mercury thermometers to platinum resistant thermometers, the later being more inclined to show higher spikes in temperature.


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