Battery Draw Caused By Keyless Entry Key Pad

2 years ago

In this video I share a story about a recent experience I had with a Ford that had a battery draw caused by a faulty keyless entry key pad. What was happening was that the keyless entry key pad would come on by it's self causing other things to come on in the vehicle. This was causing an excessive draw on the battery when the vehicle was not in use. Often the battery would not be charged enough after sitting for a long time to start the vehicle. I was even able to catch the symptom occurring and took some video of it happening. I also showed how I could push on the panel that the key pad is embedded in and how that caused the key pad to light up.

Note: This video is meant to share my experience and perhaps point you in a direction while diagnosing your battery draw. This video is by no means a comprehensive video on how to fully and properly diagnose a battery draw. It's just a suggested area to check. Also, I suppose it is possible that this symptom can be caused by another root cause other than a faulty key pad. If your keypad is behaving in this manner then it would be advised to unplug it (this has to be done by removing the interior door trim panel and disconnecting the keypad) and then perform a draw test again to insure this is the source of your draw. If the draw is gone then the key pad is probably ( I said probably, not definitely) your problem. I make no guarantees. Use this information at your own risk and expense. Also, educate yourself on how to properly diagnose a battery draw. There are great videos out there on this that can help you tremendously.

Note: The vehicles that I have experienced this on are later model Fords equipped with the style keyless entry key pads shown in the video. I have no experience with similar situations with other vehicle makes.

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